Study Objectives
· To define concepts such as ascites, a basic hepatic unit, bile acids, biliary cirrhosis,
cirrhosis, hepatitis, icterus, ileus, micelles and pancreatitis.
· To describe the normal hepatic and pancreatic function and related clinical tests.
· To explain the formation of hepatic bile and pancreatic juice, the entero-hepatic bile
acid cycle, the function of the bile bladder, the consequences of insufficient
bile secretion, the stimulus-secretion coupling in the acinar cells of the
pancreas. To explain the control of bile secretion and of exocrine pancreatic
secretion. To explain the pathophysiology of common hepatic and pancreatic disorders.
· To use the concepts in problem solving and case histories.
· The
liver is responsible for the key elements of intermediary metabolism,
regulating the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
· Pancreas
is the classical mixed gland with both exocrine and endocrine elements.
· Ascites refers to abnormal accumulation of transudate in the peritoneal cavity.
· Bile
acids are detergents synthesized from cholesterol in the liver. Cholic acid
and cheno-deoxy-cholic
acids are conjugated with glycine and taurine, whereby they become
· Biliary
cirrhosis is a progressive
cholestasis with cirrhosis caused by destruction of bile ducts and bile ductules.
Antibodies to mitochondria are found in the blood and the aetiology probably
includes immunological phenomena.
· Cholelithiasis or gallstone disease is defined as a condition with gallstones within
the lumen of the gallbladder, whether symptoms occur or not.
· Cholestasis refers to intra- or extra-hepatic obstruction of the bile flow.
· Cirrhosis refers to destruction of the normal hepatic lobular structure by fibrous
septa, necrotic hepatocytes and regenerative nodules of hepatocytes.
· Hepatitis is either infectious or toxic. Virus, bacteria
or protozoa cause infectious hepatitis. Liver toxins, haemolytic toxins, metabolic
toxins and drugs cause toxic hepatitis.
· Icterus refers to yellow coloration of skin, blood plasma, mucous membranes and
tissues. The threshold for visible jaundice (icterus) is a [bilirubin] in blood plasma above 18 mg l-1 or 30
mM in most people.
· Ileus means intestinal obstruction either due to blockage of the intestinal
lumen or to damage or death of smooth muscles that
results in paralysis (paralytic
or adynamic ileus). The intestine proximal to the lesion is dilatated by fluid
and chyme.
· The
liver lobule is the basic
hepatic unit consisting of the hepatic triad: Centrally located is the central
vein with columns of hepatic cells arranged in radials.
Branches of the hepatic artery and the portal
vein are located on the periphery of the lobule. Blood from these vessels
perfuse the sinusoids between the hepatocytes.
· Micelles are molecular vehicles, consisting of amphipathic bile acids (bile acid
micelles) and often aggregates of lipids (mixed micelles). Amphipathic
molecules have a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic surface.
· Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease with interstitial oedema in mild cases, and
necrosis of the acinar cells of the pancreas in
severe cases. The inflammation is not seriously affecting the pancreatic
paragraph deals with: 1. Bile, 2. bile acid
production, 3. bile
pigment production, and 4. pancreatic exocrine
1. Bile
The basic hepatic unit is the liver
lobule. The liver cells (hepatocytes) are arranged into walls of cells,
which are separated by highly porous capillaries (Fig.
8-11) called venous sinusoids.
The portal vein brings blood from the intestine, and the hepatic artery brings
arterialised blood from the heart. The venous sinusoids are lined with
fenestrated endothelial cells and with specialised, reticuloendothelial Kupffer-cells. The large demand of O2 and nutrients is satisfied from this
pool of mixed blood by the hepatocytes; then the blood drains into the central
veins and leaves the liver through the hepatic
vein. The hepatocytes form bile and secrete it into bile
canaliculi, which converge to form a ductal
system, where bile flows in the opposite direction of the blood. Hereby,
cleared blood passes "new" bile. The many bile ducts converge to
form the hepatic duct. Secretin
stimulates the secretion of bicarbonate from the bile ductal system.
Bile has a golden colour
and is nearly isotonic with blood plasma. The bile contains NaCl and
bicarbonate in concentrations similar to those of plasma, but the bile
contains more Ca2+ (bound to bile acids) than plasma. We normally
produce 0.5-1 litre of hepatic bile per day with bile salts, lecithin, cholesterol and 1.5 g of bile pigments.
The normal gall bladder
can concentrate the hepatic bile by a factor up to 5. The bile salts (Cholic acid and Deoxy-cholic
acid) are made from cholesterol, which is also abundant in bile. The formation
of mixed micelles (special fatty
aggregates) containing cholesterol, phospholipid, and bile salts, provide
concentrations of both phospholipid and cholesterol far exceeding their normal
solubility in water. Cholecystokinin (CCK) is released by the duodenal mucosa in response to contact with fat and
essential amino acids. CCK
reaches the gallbladder wall via the blood, and it causes contractions of the
gall bladder and relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi. Gastrin has a small CCK-effect, and VIP/acetylcholine inhibits
gallbladder contractions.
Red blood cells have a
life span of 120 days and are continuously being degraded, and the haeme
released is taken up from the blood by the hepatocytes to produce bilirubin.
Bilirubin is conjugated to glucuronic acid by a transferase in the liver cell
to form the golden yellow bilirubin
mono- and di-glucuronide. These conjugates are much
more water-soluble than bilirubin, and are thus easily excreted by the bile capillaries (Fig 23-1).
liver contains a large store of
vitamin B12. Only 0.1% of the store is lost daily in the bile,
because most of its content is reabsorbed in the terminal ileum. Even if
absorption totally ceases the hepatic vitamin B12 store lasts for 5-6 years. In the absence of vitamin B12 the maturation of erythrocytes is retarded, and pernicious
anaemia develops (Chapter 8).
Bile acid production
acids are detergents synthesized from cholesterol in the liver. Cholic acid
and cheno-deoxy-cholic
acid are conjugated with glycine and taurine, whereby they become
water-soluble. Bile acids have lipophilic and lipophobic terminals, which
increase the lipid solubility of the intestinal chyme by micelle formation. Phospholipids
and cholesterol expand simple
micelles into effective mixed
micelles. In the terminal ileum intestinal bacteria change the two major
bile acids into deoxy-cholic
acid and litho-cholic
acid. The bile acid production is reduced without the return of bile acids
from the terminal ileum and steatorrhoea develops.
Cholate and desoxycholate are fat-soluble agents. They have fat-soluble
hydrocarbon rings that enable them to mix with fats and several
charged groups that enable them to mix with water. Large fat droplets in the duodenal chyme
become dispersed, forming smaller fat particles - a process called emulsification.
The bile salts contribute to emulsification.
These smaller fat
particles are efficiently digested by the water-soluble
pancreatic lipases, forming glycerides and fatty acids in the micelles (Fig. 22-13).
The micelle contents are
readily absorbed by the enterocytes. The co-lipase helps the lipase to
eliminate the inhibitory bile salts from the surface, so that the lipase is fixed to the lipids.
The pancreatic lipase
cleaves the ester linkage of tri-acyl-glycerol at the 1- and 3-position,
releasing two fatty acids and 2-monoglyceride (2 MG), or occasionally a free
glycerol molecule (Fig. 22-13). Free glycerol is readily absorbed. A protein -
fatty acid binding protein (FABP; 12 kDa) - is present in the cytosol of
the enterocytes. FABP binds fatty acids in order to re-esterify the fatty acids and to protect the cell from adverse effects of cytotoxic
fatty acids. Once the fatty acids are formed, the fatty acids and
2-monoglyceride participate in the emulsification process, but the fatty acids
still require bile salts for complete water solubility. Micelles are passed
through the aqueous bowel lumen to reach the absorbing mucosa (Fig. 22-13). A large concentration of bile salts helps
the lipid laden micelles to get
access to the absorbing surface. Then lipids diffuse easily out of the lipophilic
micellar core and into the lipid
layer of the apical membrane of the mucosal cell.
Lipids do not adequately form micelles, if there is no bile present.
Bile pigment production and excretion
red cells are continuously being degraded in the macrophages of the liver and
in the reticulo-endothelial system (RES) of the spleen and bone marrow. The haeme is converted to biliverdin, which is reduced to produce bilirubin (Fig. 23-1). About 10-15% of the bilirubin arises from the breakdown of immature red cells and cytochrome.
Bilirubin released to the blood from these tissue macrophages is bound to
albumin during its transport, so the concentration of neurotoxic, free
bilirubin is normally low. Bilirubin is taken up at the hepatocyte cell
membranes after dissociation from the albumin. Within the hepatocyte bilirubin
is transferred to the endoplasmic reticulum, which contains a transferase that conjugates bilirubin with glucuronic acid. Conjugated bilirubin
(bilirubin di- and mono-glucuronide) is water-soluble, so it diffuses easily
through the cytoplasm and is actively secreted into the bile canaliculi. From
here conjugated bilirubin is excreted into the intestine with the bile.
Bacterial enzymes in the terminal ileum and the colon hydrolyse the large
molecule. The free bilirubin is then reduced to urobilinogen.
of the urobilinogen is excreted in the faeces; the remainder is absorbed in
the terminal ileum, returned to the liver via enterohepatic blood, and again
excreted as bile into the intestine (the enterohepatic bile pigment circuit).
A small amount of the urobilinogen is excreted in the normal urine.

Fig. 23-1: Normal
bilirubin metabolism. The free bilirubin is fat-soluble and toxic. The
conjugated bilirubin is water-soluble bilirubin-glucuronide and non toxic.
Part of the bilirubin is
broken down to colourless substances, hepatocytes produce urobilinogen, and
colonic bacteria stercobilinogen. Both substances can be oxidised to yellow urinary urobilin and brown faecal stercobilin (Fig. 23-1). The renal
excretion of urobilin and stercobilinogen is increased in cases with
intrahepatic icterus (ie, hepatitis and other damages of hepatocytes).
The terminal ileum is
essential for life.
1. The terminal ileum of
humans absorbs conjugated bile salts efficiently by an active Na+ -dependent co-transporter that is
similar to the glucose/Na+ - and amino acid/Na+ -co-transporter in the duodenum-jejunum (Fig. 23-2).

23-2: Absorption of bile acids by the terminal ileum.
2. Bile
acids also cross the brush border by diffusion in unconjugated form.
3. In
the cytosol the bile acids are probably bound to macromolecules, and they
traverse the basolateral membrane by
4. facilitated
transport and diffusion into the portal blood.
The absorbed bile salts
reach the liver, where they are conjugated and reprocessed, and the
hepatocytes clear the portal blood from bile acids in a single passage. The
reabsorbed bile acids are essential stimuli for the liberation of bile with
new (15%) and reprocessed (85%) bile acids, but when entering the liver they inhibit the synthesis of new bile acids.
The total bile acid pool
in the body is about 3 g, and this pool can be recycled up to 12 times per
By contrast, the intestine reabsorbs only a small part of the
bile pigments - the enterohepatic
bile pigment circuit (Fig.
Pancreatic exocrine secretion
KREAS is Greek and means all meat. Pancreas is the
classical mixed gland with both endocrine and exocrine elements. The exocrine
pancreas is an abdominal “salivary
gland.” The endocrine pancreas is described in Chapter
Secretions from the
zymogen containing acinar cells collect in the acinar duct and travel through
a network of converging ducts to the main
pancreatic duct, which run into the common bile duct entering the duodenum
at the duodenal papilla (Vateri), where the sphincter of Oddi is located.
The exocrine glandular tissue consists of acinar
cells producing a primary secretion, with an ionic composition similar to
that of plasma, and duct cells forming
the secondary secretion by modification of the primary secretion.
The organic components,
secreted by acinar cells, are the major enzymes necessary for digestion of
dietary nutrients. The acinar cells also secrete mucus and ions.

23-3: Secretion of enzymes from pancreatic acinar cells. ISF means interstitial fluid.
- Upon
stimulation of the duodenal mucosa with acid chyme containing peptides and
long chain fatty acids, cholecystokinin (CCK) is released to the blood, whereby it can reach the pancreatic
acinar cells. They carry specific receptors that bind the gastrin-family (gastrin and CCK competing for the same receptor) as well as the
neurotransmitter, acetylcholine (ACh in Fig. 23-3). Receptor-ligand
binding activates IP3, thus elevating [Ca2+] in the
cells. Ca2+ triggers exocytosis of the enzymes from the zymogen
granules, utilising either a Ca2+-calmodulin complex or a Ca2+-phosphatidyl
serine-dependent proteinkinase C. - The secretin family potentiates
the action of CCK.
- The rise in
[Ca2+] opens a luminal Cl-- and a basolateral K+-channel, whereby these ions are
leaving the cell in a balanced relationship and produce a negative
electric field in the acinar lumen. A small amount of bicarbonate also
leaks through the anion channel.
- The fall in
intracellular [Cl-] and [K+] activates a basolateral Na+-K+-2 Cl- co-exchanger through which NaCl enters
the cell from the ISF.
- The negative
electric field in the acinar lumen provides a force that drives a passive
Na+- and water transport as an isotonic solution into the acinar lumen through leaky tight
- The
secretory energy is from the basolateral Na+-K+-pump,
which maintains the intracellular ion composition.
As the primary juice leaves the acini and proceeds down the pancreatic
ducts, it is supplied isotonically with water and electrolytes (mainly
bicarbonate salts) from the duct cells (Fig. 23-4).

23-4: Secretion from pancreatic duct cells.
stimulation of the duodenal mucosa with acid chyme, secretin is secreted to the blood and transported to the pancreatic
duct cells. This induces an important rise in cellular [cAMP].
rise in [cAMP] activates luminal Cl-- and basolateral K+-channels,
so these ions leave the cell in a
balanced relationship. This triggers a luminal Cl-/HCO3—co-exchanger through which the cell eliminates the bicarbonate produced by carbon dioxide
from the blood. Cellular carboanhydrase is essential for the bicarbonate
production. A certain luminal [Cl-] is necessary for recycling. The
net result is a secretion of bicarbonate.
net secretion of bicarbonate induces a (lumen negative) transepithelial
potential difference (-6 mV), which constitutes the driving force for the
paracellular transport of Na+ and K+. The net secretion
of salt drags water trans-epithelially
in isosmotic proportion.
fall in cellular pH upon secretion of bicarbonate activates a basolateral Na+/H+-coexchanger, whereby the cells eliminate H+ to the blood.
secretory energy is from the basolateral Na+-K+-pump.
The whole system is analogous to the formation of saliva.
pancreas (weight 100 g) of adult humans is capable of elaborating
approximately 1.5 l of pancreatic juice daily, and its pH increases with
increasing secretion rate. The maximal secretion rate is one ml/g of tissue
each hour (ie, 60 times less than that of the salivary glands).The pancreatic
juice is a clear fluid, isosmolar with plasma. The basic reaction is due to
bicarbonate, and the [bicarbonate] can approach the [H+] in gastric
juice (150 mM).

Fig. 23-5: Concentrations of ions (mM) in pancreatic juice as a function
of the secretory flow rate (left). – The control of pancreatic secretion is shown to the right.
With increasing secretion
rate, the [bicarbonate] in the final pancreatic juice increases at the expense
of [Cl-], whereas the [Na+] and [K+] remain
relatively constant (Fig. 23-5). Pancreatic juice (pH 8) thus buffers the extremely
acid gastric juice and protects the duodenal mucosa against erosion.
Buffering of gastric juice also optimises the activity of pancreatic digestive enzymes in the duodenum.
The pancreatic secretion
is regulated by two intestinal hormone families (Fig. 23-5, right): The secretin-
(secretin and VIP) and the gastrin-family
(gastrin and CCK), as well as by the autonomic nervous system.
Signals in cholinergic,
vagal fibres stimulate both pancreatic secretions via acetylcholine-receptors (Fig.
23-3), whereas noradrenergic, sympathetic stimuli inhibit secretion via a-receptors. The secretion
is also stimulated by signals in peptidergic
nerve fibres.
The free radical gas nitric oxide (NO) stimulates the exocrine pancreatic secretion, and
simultaneously inhibits the non-adrenergic,
intestinal activity (Fig.
Related to the meal there
are three phases of pancreatic
secretion (cephalic, gastric and intestinal).
1. The cephalic phase is
elicited before food reaches the stomach. Olfactory signals (via the limbic
system) as well as visual and tactile signals (via the thalamic relay station)
are processed in the brain, and vagal signals reach the antral mucosa. Here
gastrin is released from G-cells. Gastrin induces the secretion of a low
volume of pancreatic juice with a high enzyme content.
2. The gastric phase is elicited
by the presence of food in the stomach. Gastric distension and peptides
reaching the antral mucosa trigger the release of more gastrin from the
G-cells. Hereby, the secretion of a small volume of pancreatic juice rich in enzymes is continued.
3. The intestinal phase is
elicited by duodenal and jejunal mechanisms. When chyme enters the duodenum
both secretin and CCK is released for different reasons. Secretin is secreted by S-cells in the mucosa of the upper small intestine, when
acid chyme (pH below 4.5) arrives to the first part of the duodenum. This is
an appropriate arrangement, because secretin stimulates both the secretion of
bicarbonate and water by pancreatic duct cells (Fig.
23-4), and of bicarbonate-rich bile by small biliary ductules. Secretin
inhibits gastric secretion. Secretin inhibits both the gastrin release by the
antral G-cells, and the gastrin effect on the parietal cells.
CCK from the duodenal
I-cells stimulates gallbladder contraction as its name implies, and stimulates
pancreatic acinar secretion of an enzyme-rich fluid (Fig.
23-3). The most important stimulus for CCK liberation is when an acid
chyme with amino acids, peptides and long chain fatty acids reach the duodenal
mucosa. This is essential. CCK contracts the gallbladder and stimulates the
pancreatic secretion of an enzyme rich juice. Bile is ejected into the
duodenum, where fat is emulgated to ease absorption. CCK also acts as an enterogastrone - an intestinal hormone that inhibits gastric
activity and emptying. This leaves more time for the bile to emulgate fat and
for the digestible enzymes to work.
Pancreatic a-amylase does not pose any danger to pancreatic tissue. Pancreatic a-amylase
- like the salivary a-amylase
- cleaves the large dietary carbohydrate molecules at the internal
1,4-glycosidic bonds, but cannot hydrolyse terminal 1,4-bonds or 1,6-bonds.
The end-products are oligo- and di-saccharides like maltose (two glucose),
maltriose (three glucose) and branched oligosaccharides known as a-limit
dextrins. Other enzymes such as maltase and lactase secreted by the intestinal mucosa digest these end-products into
monosaccharides (glucose, fructose and galactose). The carbohydrate absorption
is shown in Fig. 22-11.
The protein digestion is
continued in the duodenum and jejunum, where the protein breakdown products
are attacked by the proteolytic enzymes of the pancreas (trypsin, trypsinogen,
chymo-trypsinogen, pro-carboxy-peptidase, and pro-elastase). The pancreatic
proteases are secreted as inactive proenzymes, and they are crucially
important. The proenzymes are normally not activated before they arrive in the
intestinal lumen. Trypsin catalyses its own activation (autocatalysis), and also activates chymotrypsinogen
and the pro-carboxypeptidases in the trypsin cascade.
Duodenal enterokinase
cleaves trypsinogen to trypsin, and hereby activates the trypsin cascade. When
the chyme is pushed into the duodenum, the pancreatic juice neutralises the chyme and the pepsin activity is stopped. The peptides and amino acids are
absorbed as shown in Fig. 22-12.
Normally, trypsin
inhibitor inhibits the trypsin cascade from the pancreas, but cases of acute pancreatitis cannot inhibit the trypsin
cascade, so autodigestion occurs.
Enzymes for the breakdown
of fats are pancreatic lipase, phospholipase A, and lecithinase.
Pancreatic lipase and
co-lipase cleave triglycerides into free glycerol and fatty acids or to mono-glycerides
(MG) and fatty acids. Free glycerol is readily absorbed. The lipolytic
activity requires the emulsifying action of bile salts in order to solubilize
triglycerides in water. Once liberated fatty acids and mono-glycerides
participate into bile salt micelle formation. Micelles pass by diffusion
through the unstirred water layer of the intestinal lumen to reach the
absorbing mucosa (Fig. 22-13).
paragraph deals with 1.Jaundice,
2.Gallstones, and
3. Hepatitis,
4. Liver cirrhosis,
5. liver cancer, 6. Pancreatitis,
7. Cystic fibrosis, 8. Carcinoma
of the pancreas, 9. Endocrine pancreatic
Jaundice (icterus)
has a molecular weight of 588 g per mol. The normal [bilirubin] in blood plasma is up to 17 mg l-1 or
29 mmol l-1 (mM). The threshold for visible jaundice (icterus) is a
[bilirubin] in blood plasma above 18 mg
l-1 or 30 mM in most people.
Three types of icterus
can be distinguished:
1.a. Prehepatic or haemolytic icterus is caused by excessive destruction of mature
or immature red cells. Haemolytic anaemia causes haemolytic jaundice.
Increased destruction of red cells (haemolysis) increases the bilirubin
production (normally 35 * 6 = 210 mg daily) to the extent that the hepatocytes
cannot conjugate the bilirubin as rapidly as it is formed (the key hole enzyme
is glucuronyl transferase). The neurotoxic free bilirubin in blood
plasma rises much above normal, and large quantities of urobilinogen is
excreted in the urine.
Intrahepatic icterusis caused by poor hepatocyte function. Damages of the
hepatocytes by infections, tumours, or toxic agents impair the uptake,
transport and conjugation of bilirubin. Absence of glucuronyl transferase or inhibition of the enzyme by steroids block conjugation of bilirubin.
Posthepatic icterus is caused by cholestasis due to gallstones or pancreatic tumours. Gallstones or tumour masses obstruct
the bile ducts, which is causing extrahepatic cholestasis with impaired
excretion of conjugated bilirubin to the intestine. Hereby, conjugated bilirubin reflux to the blood. Most of the bilirubin in
plasma is therefore conjugated and some of it strongly bound to plasma
Hepatic Failure results
from destruction of liver cells or impairment of hepatocyte function. Liver
failure causes severe jaundice,
hepatic encephalopathy, the hepatorenal syndrome, pulmonary veno-arterial
shunts, and low coagulability of the blood.
Cholelithiasis or gallstone disease is defined as a
condition with gallstones within the lumen of the gallbladder, wether symptoms
occur or not.
More than 70% are cholesterol
stones; the remainder is a so-called brown pigment
gallstone composed
of Ca2+ salts of
bilirubin, carbonate, cholesterol and phosphate (Fig.23-6).

Fig. 23-6: The two common
types of gallstones: Cholesterol stones and brown pigment stones.
Approximately half of the pigment stones are radiopaque.
The incidence of
cholesterol stones among females is three times higher than among males. The
cause is both genetic and environmental. Oestrogens stimulate hepatic
secretion of cholesterol and reduce the formation of bile acids. Diets high in
cholesterol increase the incidence of gallstones.
Bile can be
supersaturated with cholesterol. When this happens, crystals can precipitate
out of bile. Cholesterol crystals and Ca2+ can aggregate and develop into gallstones in the common bile duct. Mixed gallstones and gallstones made of bile
pigment and other bile substances are also found.
Excessive removal of water in the gallbladder can be pathogenic. Enlarged gallstones can obstruct
the common bile duct thus causing bile with bilirubin to flow back into the
liver and leak into the blood plasma (jaundice or icterus).
Most gallstones are
asymptomatic, but those occluding the biliary tract cause
a severe pain called biliary
is either infectious or toxic. Virus, bacteria, or
protozoa cause infectious hepatitis.
Virus molecules cause
most of all global hepatitis (see Chapter
Bacterial and rickettsial hepatitis is caused by leptospirosis interrogans icterohaemorrhagia
(Weil-hepatitis), rickettsia
(typhus-hepatitis), streptococci, pneumococci etc - sometimes by ascending infection after biliary tract disorders.
Protozoan hepatitis is caused by the
species of plasmodium in malaria-hepatitis, trypanosoma in trypanosomiasis,
and toxoplasma gondii in toxoplasmosis-hepatitis. The clinical course is often
like infectious mononucleosis.
Toxic hepatitis is
caused by liver toxins, haemolytic toxins, drugs (isoniazid, methyl-dopa,
nitrofurantoin, oxyphenisatin) and metabolic toxins (ileus, ulcerative
colitis, pregnancy hyperemesis, thyrotoxicosis).
Hepatic cirrhosis
Cirrhosis is the end
result after necrosis of the hepatocytes,
with destruction of the normal lobular structure by fibrous septa and
regenerative nodules of hepatocytes. The
clinical picture includes liver failure and signs of portal hypertension such
as oesophageal varicose veins
and ascites. The terminal stage is hepatic
Two pathological types
are considered:
Micronodular cirrhosis is
characterized by nodules less than 3 mm in diameter. This disorder was
previously termed Laennec’s cirrhosis (after a French pathologist). The cause is alcohol abuse (alcoholic
cirrhosis) or biliary tract disease (biliary
Macronodular cirrhosis is
characterized by larger nodules sometimes including normal lobules. The cause is acute and chronic hepatic infection (hepatitis B virus,
hepatitis C virus, hepatitis D virus) often in carriers.
Alcoholic cirrhosis
This type of cirrhosis
follows years of alcohol abuse with fatty liver and alcoholic hepatitis.

Fig. 23-7: Alcohol
metabolism and fat accumulation.
Ethanol is metabolised by
the liver hepatocytes to acetaldehyde and acetate. At rest 5% of the molecules
are excreted unchanged in the urine, sweat and expired air. The major route of ethanol oxidation is via alcohol-dehydrogenase an NAD-dependent enzyme (Fig.
23-7). A minor pathway is microsomal ethanol oxidising system (MEOS) in the
smooth endoplasmic reticulum using NADP as a cofactor. Both enzyme systems are
easily saturated, so a fixed quantity is metabolised per time unit (7 g per
hour as an average). Both pathways result in an increased NADH/NAD ratio,
whereby the fatty acid synthesis is increased. This leads to fat
accumulation with fatty liver and alcoholic cirrhosis. The altered
redox-potential and the accumulation of acetaldehyde, causes centrilobular
necrosis of the micronodular type.
Biliary cirrhosis
The primary type is a
progressive cholestasis with cirrhosis caused by destruction of bile ducts and
bile ductules. Antibodies to mitochondria are found in the blood and the aetiology
probably includes immunological phenomena. There is a high total cholesterol (especially
HDL), pruritus, xanthomas, osteoporosis, steatorrhoea, and portal
hypertension. The condition is associated with many autoimmune diseases such
as rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, renal tubular acidosis, and membranous glomerulonephritis (Chapter
The secondary type of
biliary cirrhosis result from maintained extrahepatic cholestasis.
Cirrhosis related to hepatitis
The most frequent cause
is viral hepatitis in particular infection with hepatitis B virus (also
hepatitis D and C virus).Viral markers are examined in the blood such as HBsAg
or its antibodies, or IgM anti-HCV (Chapter
Liver cancer
healthy carriers of HBV and HCV are at risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma. The a-foetoprotein is raised in the blood
plasma. Other risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma are alcoholic damage,
haemochromatosis, aflatoxin from peanuts, androgens, and oestrogens.
Metastases from breast cancer, bronchial cancer and gut cancer to the liver are much
more frequent than primary hepatic tumours.
Pancreatitis is
an inflammatory disease with interstitial oedema in mild cases, and necrosis
of the acinar cells of the pancreas in severe cases. The incidence of
pancreatitis in alcoholics is high, whereas infection as such does not account
for many cases. Both the first acute case of pancreatitis and the chronic
cases are linked to alcohol abuse.
a. Acute
pancreatitis is characterised
by foci of necrotic fat cells
besides the acinar cell necrosis and the infiltration of polymorpho-nuclear
leucocytes. The injured acinar cells release digestive enzymes (amylase,
lipase, and protease)
into the blood stream and into the peritoneal fluid causing ascites.
Severe epigastric pain is referred to the back
between the shoulder blades. The patient is critically ill and develops a
shock condition, which may end in terminal renal failure. The diagnosis
relies on a 500% rise in serum
amylase concentration together with the demonstration of amylase in the
abundant peritoneal fluid (ascites).
activation of the pancreatic
digestive enzymes causes the pancreas to digest itself. The essential enzymes
are trypsin, phospholipase A and elastase. The normal balance between trypsin and trypsin inhibitor is destroyed.
Protease inhibitors such as a1-antitrypsin,
C1- esterase and trypsin
inhibitor bind to the proteases and reduce their enzyme activity until the
inhibitors are digested by the enzymes. Phospholipase A destruct cell membranes and converts lecithin to the cytotoxic lysolecithin. Vessel
walls are broken down and haemorrhage can be fatal. Capillary destruction
causes anoxia and necrosis.
(and acid chyme) stimulates the secretion of secretin from the duodenum and thus the secretion of an enzyme-rich
pancreatic fluid. Simultaneously, alcohol closes the sphincter of Oddi, and pancreatic secretions from the obstructed
duct are filtered into periductal tissues.
treatment is symptomatic with intravenous nutrition and analgesia. Adequate therapy of shock and
respiratory insufficiency must be instituted (transfusions, endotracheal
intubation and oxygen if necessary).
b. Chronic
pancreatitis is a progressive
destruction of pancreatic acini, followed by irreversible fibrosis and
possibly calcification of the pancreatic tissues. Calcifying pancreatitis is
strongly linked to alcohol abuse.
patient has episodes of epigastric pain, and the anorexia results in severe malnutrition. Most patients with
calcifying pancreatitis develop steatorrhoea (a copious fatty faeces) and diabetes.
Steatorrhoea is treated
with low-fat diet and the enzyme, pancreatin, to each meal. The diabetic
condition is frequently characterized by a simultaneous lack of pancreatic
insulin and glucagon, whereby the daily, external insulin requirement is
increased. Alcoholics with pancreatitis must stop drinking alcohol.
failure is caused by pancreatitis (inflammation not seriously affecting the Islets), blockage of the pancreatic duct, pancreatic carcinomas and surgical
removal of the pancreatic head. Loss of pancreatic juice means lack of
pancreatic lipase, pancreatic amylase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxy-poly-peptidase,
and elastase. Lack of these enzymes means that half of the fat entering the
small intestine pass unabsorbed to the faeces,
and one third of the starches and proteins. Steatorrhoea is found.
The major metabolic
disorder caused by loss of pancreatic endocrine secretion is diabetes
mellitus. Removal of pancreas is compatible with survival as long as both the exocrine and endocrine vital substances are supplied
Pancreatic cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis)
is a recessive genetic defect with dysfunction of exocrine glands (see Chapter
Carcinoma of the pancreas
is almost exclusively adenocarcinoma originating from the duct cells of the pancreatic head. Its occurrence is related to alcohol abuse.
diagnosis is made by CT or by ultrasound technique. Surgical removal of
pancreatic adenocarcinoma is frequently unsuccessful.

23-8: Endocrine pancreatic tumours from the
pancreatic islet cells.
Endocrine pancreatic tumours
1. Insulinomas are islet cell tumours of b-cells, which release sufficient insulin into the blood to induce serious
hypoglycaemia. The patient must eat extensively in order to survive, so
obesity is almost unavoidable.
2. Somatostatinomas
are islet cell tumours of
D- or d-cells that secrete somatostatin to the blood. Somatostatin causes
diabetes, steatorrhoea, gallstones and hypo-chlorhydria.
3. Glucagonomas are islet cell tumours of a-cells that release large amounts of
glucagon into the blood stream. This causes diabetes, anaemia and a typical erythematosus rash.
4. Vipomas
produce large quantities of
VIP, and the diagnosis is made by a high plasma VIP. VIP increases the intestinal secretion and causes
watery diarrhoea with loss of K+ and H+. Localisation and removal of the vipoma is efficient.
5. Gastrinomas (Zollinger-Ellisons syndrome) consist of G-cells in the pancreatic
islets. The G-cells produce large amounts of gastrin causing extensive gastric HCl secretion and peptic ulcers.
The serum gastrin is high. The patient has diarrhoea, because of the high H+ -concentration in the intestinal lumen. Omeprazole inhibits the proton
pump, whereby the gastric HCl secretion is blocked.
6. PP-producing
tumours. The concentration of pancreatic polypeptide (PP) in plasma is
increased. PP is released by most pancreatic islet cell tumours, and its
plasma concentration is always measured in screenings of islet cell tumours. PP stimulates the gastrointestinal enzyme
secretion and inhibits smooth muscle contraction. Localisation and ablation of the tumour is the ideal therapy, but steroids and octreotide are of help.
· For calculation of hepatic bloodflow see the
Fick Principle in Chapter 10.
Choice Questions
Each of the following five statements have False/True options:
A. With increasing rate of pancreatic
secretion its [Cl-] will increase.
B. Carboanhydrase is an important enzyme for the secretion of pancreatic
C. Duodenal acidification stimulates the pancreatic secretion.
D. Duodenal chyme with a pH of 7 inhibits pancreatic bicarbonate
E. Duodenal enterokinase
cleaves trypsinogen to trypsin.
II. Each of the following five
statements have False/True options:
A. An elevated concentration of cAMP
in the intestinal mucosal cells inhibits Na+ absorption.
B. The intestinal Na+ absorption is parallel to the Cl- absorption.
C. Increased intracellular [Ca2+] increases intestinal Na+ absorption.
D. The basolateral Na+-K+-pump (ATPase) maintains an
essential electrochemical gradient with a high intracellular [Na+].
E. The intestinal Na+ absorption is secondary to the water transport across the mucosal cells.
III. Each of the following five
statements have True/False options:
A: Bile
acids are essential for solubilizing cholesterol and phospholipids by
formation of micelle aggregates.
B: Bilirubin binds to cytoplasmic proteins within the hepatocyte.
C: The primary bile acids are deconjugated and dehydroxylated to form the
secondary bile acids.
D: Intrinsic factor-cobalamin complexes are inactivated by pancreatic
E: Cholate and desoxycholate have water-soluble hydrocarbon rings.
IV. Each of the following five
statements have False/True options:
A: Hexoses and amino acids
require Na+ for active transport into the enterocyte.
B: A person with lactase deficiency cannot digest lactose, so undigested
lactose from a milky diet would enter the colon.
C: The Na+-K+-pump is essential for intestinal Na+ absorption.
D: All lipase proteins are lipid soluble.
E: Cytosolic peptidases from the enterocytes and brush border peptidases
cannot cleave small peptides into single amino acids.
History A
male patient with coecal cancer still maintains his colon function.
Approximately 1.5 l of intestinal fluid passes the ileocoecal valve in 24
hours, and only 150 ml is found in the daily faeces.
The intestinal fluid has a [Na+] and [K+] of 120 and 4
mM, respectively. The 75% water in the faecal volume of 150 ml contains 20 mM
Na+ and 5 mM of K+.
1. Calculate the water absorption in the colon and
2. Calculate
the net Na+-and K+-absorption in the colon.
3. Calculate
the loss of Na+ and K+ with faeces.
4. Removal
of the coecum and the ascending colon with the tumour necessitates an ileostomy. Calculate the loss
of Na+ and K+ with an unchanged fluid flux through the
terminal ileum.
5. Are
dietary measures important for the ileostomy patient?
History B
female, age 42 years, is admitted to hospital due to fatigue. She describes a
serious gastrointestinal infection for which she was cured some years ago.
Suspicion of vitamin B12 deficiency reveals a seriously low vitamin
B12 concentration and plasma antibodies against her parietal cells
in the gastric mucosa.
that the absorption of vitamin B12 totally ceased at the time where
her parietal cells were destroyed by autoimmune disease. Assume further that
she had a normal liver store of 5 mg vitamin B12, and that she has
lost 1 permille daily of the hepatic store in the bile.
1. Calculate
the half-time period necessary to reduce the hepatic vitamin B12 store by 50%.
2. Calculate
the number of years it takes to empty the hepatic vitamin B12 store
down to 0.5 mg (manifest pernicious anaemia).
History C
An alcoholic
male with hepatic insufficiency is brought to the intensive care unit of a
hospital in hepatic coma.
ammonia is formed in the gastrointestinal tract as a product of protein
digestion and bacterial action. The liver usually removes a major portion by
converting ammonia into urea. Hereby, the toxic ammonia is eliminated.
impaired liver function of this patient has lead to development of collateral
venous shunts with oesophageal varicosities. Large quantities of blood from the gut, with a high [NH4+],
are transported directly into the systemic veins and the brain of the patient.
His blood [NH4+] is drastically increased, and his blood
[glucose] is 2 mM (hypoglycaemia).
1. What is hepatic coma? What is causing the unconsciousness?
2. Explain
his condition in terms of abnormal glucose metabolism.
to solve the problems before looking up the answers.
· The
liver controls the intermediary metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and
proteins. The liver produces important plasma proteins including coagulation
factors, angiotensinogen, trypsin-inhibitor etc.
· The
liver is a vital glucose exchanger for the hypothalamic glucostat.
· The
hepatocytes secrete bile (CCK-stimulated) into the bile capillaries and the
bile finally enters the small intestine. Bile acids facilitate fat digestion
and absorption. Bile acids emulsify lipids, so they are easily accessible for
the action of lipid-digesting enzymes.
· Bile
acids form micelles, which can diffuse to the brush-border membrane for
· Bile
acids and vitamin B12 are absorbed in the terminal ileum and returned to the
liver in the portal vein.
· Hepatocytes
clear the blood for bile acids and they are recycled several times daily
(enterohepatic recycling).
· The
bile duct cells and the pancreatic duct cells secrete a bicarbonate-rich fluid
· The
liver has an important excretory function, because the hepatocytes excrete
bile pigments, and deactivate hormones, toxins and drugs by hydroxylation,
proteolysis and hydrogenation. Lipophilic drugs are converted into
water-soluble drugs that are easily excreted in bile or urine.
· The
hepatic reticuloendothelial system normally stimulates repair of tissue
damages through influence on T- and B-lymphocytes. Intrahepatic disease
impairs the normal immune response to infection elsewhere.
· The
reticuloendothelial system of the liver eliminates microbes and other antigens
transferred to the liver with the
blood from the intestines. Antigens are phagocytized by macrophages attached
to the endothelium (Kupffer-cells).
The macrophages produce collagenase, hydrolases, and
interleukins and tumour necrosis
factor that degrade the antigens without formation of antibodies.
· The
normal hepatic store of vitamin B12 is sufficient for 3-6 years, and there is also an important store of other
vitamins (A, D, and K). Coagulation factors are stored as well as iron in
· Approximately
half of the total lymph produced in the body is liver lymph, although the
liver is only 1.5 kg of the total body weight. Chylomicrons filled with lipids
reach the blood via the liver lymph and liver.
· The
primary oxidation of alcohol (ethanol) occurs in the hepatocytes. Since the
alcohol-dehydrogenase activity has a maximum capacity, the elimination rate is
constant (0.0025 permille per min).
· A
pressure rise in the hepatic veins from zero (normally) to 5 mmHg (0.7 kPa)
result in hepatic stasis with ascites. Hepatic stasis leads to hepatic failure
with jaundice and fatty stools (steatorrhoea).
· The
pancreas (weight 100 g) of adult humans is capable of elaborating
approximately 1.5 l of pancreatic juice daily, and its pH increases with
increasing secretion rate. The maximal secretion rate is one ml per g of
tissue each hour (ie, 60 times less than that of the salivary glands).
· The
pancreatic juice is a clear fluid, isosmolar with plasma. The basic reaction
is due to bicarbonate, and the [bicarbonate] can approach the [H+]
in gastric juice (150 mM).
· Pancreatic
acinar cells produce enzymes for digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and
fats. CCK stimulates the enzyme secretion.
· Acute
biliary tract disease is diagnosed by biliary pain and confirmed by
ultrasonographic or computer tomographic evidence of a distended/inflamed gall-bladder. The disorders are
subdivided into inflammatory (acute cholecystitis)
or obstructive (eg, stone in the common bile duct).
Baillière´s Clinical
Gastroenterology. Quarterly reviews of Gastroenterology. London: Bailliere Tindall.
Monthly journal published by the Am. Gastroenterological Association, WB
Saunders Co, The Curtis Center Suite 300, Independence Square West, Philadelphia , Pa 19106-3399, USA.
Hug, M., C. Pahl, and I. Novak.
"Effect of ATP, carbachol and other agonists on intracellular calcium
activity and membrane voltage of pancreatic ducts." Pflügers Arch 426: 412-18, 1994.
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