HYBRID (In person & On-line )

Dedicated to Tatiana Serebrovskaya & Pavel Beloshitsky


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a conferencias

High Altitude Pathology



Early registration: November 15th
Abstract Submit:   December 15th

Mark your calendar !!

Organized by:

BLDE logo

High Altitude Pulmonary and Pathology Institute
La Paz, Bolivia

Participating Co-Organizer Institutions:

BLDE logo

BLDE (Deemed to be University) Vijayapur, INDIA


Collaboration with: Department of Environmental Health, UNESCO / UNITWIN Network, UNESCO Chair holder in Life Sciences (Biophysics, Biotechnology & Environmental Health)

FQI logo

Foundation for Quality, India

Armada Boliviana logo

Armada Boliviana

Universidad Tomas Frias logo

Universidad Tomas Frias


International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

From the organizers of the

First World Congress on High Altitude Medicine and Physiology

and the
Eight Chronic Hypoxia Symposiums

High Altitude Pulmonary & Pathology Institute
Zubieta University


Neuroscience and chronic hypoxia

Chronic hypoxia and high altitude physiology

Evolution and adaptation to chronic hypoxia and high altitude

Adaptation to high altitude and tolerance to hypoxia

Chronic hypoxia-related genetics, genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics

Metabolic responses to chronic hypoxia and high altitude

Chronic Mountain Sickness or rather Polyerythrocythemia

High-altitude pre-conditioning

Sports and physical activity at high altitude

Respiratory Disease and Pulmonary Hypertension at high altitude

Respiratory control and apena

COVID-19 and Silent Hypoxemia

Cancer: chronic hypoxia and high altitude

Mitochondria and high altitude

Other high-altitude related diseases


Biodiversity at High Altitude

Space Physiology at high altitude

Artifical Intelligence and teaching at high altitude

*We highly encourage researchers to present works including the effects of
sex and gender in chronic-hypoxia- and high-altitude related matters.


Sajama Mountain

Mt. Sajama 6542m where the historic soccer game was played.

Futbol Sajama



Once again we are proud to invite you to a friendly scientific gathering, continuing our tradition of Chronic Hypoxia Symposiums As you all know we are in the city of La Paz, the World Capital of Hypoxia and the Shrine of Hypoxia Scientists.

The conferences take place in different locations so that the attendees will be able to appreciate life at high altitude and pose themselves a new focus of chronic hypoxia. Different disciplines apparently not related to chronic hypoxia can find outstanding stimulus and innovative concepts in these unique chronic hypoxia environments.

This time our conferences join with the 1st High Altitude Space Physiology Symposia under the chair of Alan Hargens.


Alberto Dorta from Cuba, Alan Hargens from US and Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja from Bolivia at the Space Physiology Symposium in Varadero, Cuba

See here our latest HIGH ALTITUDE RESEARCH EXPEDITION July 2024.


   contact: zubieta@altitudeclinic.com