· To define autocrine, endocrine, neurocrine and paracrine transmission, endocrine
feedback, endocytosis, exocytosis, hormones, hormone receptors, membrane
receptors, neurohormones, neurotransmitters, phagocytosis, transcription,
and tropic hormones.
· To describe the structural relations between the brain, hypothalamus and hypophysis. To
describe secretion mechanisms, second messengers, hormonal sensitivity,
melanotropin secretion and function, and stimulation-secretion coupling. To
describe the structure and function of hypothalamo-hypophyseal hormones, of
tropic hormones from the adenohypophysis and of pro-opio-melano-corticotropin. To describe acromegaly, Cushings
syndrome, gigantism, dwarf growth, panhypopituitarism, and hyperpituitarism.
· To explain the secretion and function of growth hormone, somatomedins and somatostatin.
To explain the secretion and function of gonadotropins, prolactin, relaxin,
oxytocin, vasopressin. To explain hormonal function tests.
· To use the above concepts in problem solving and case histories
· The
endocrine and nervous systems co-ordinate the functions of the other organ
systems as regulators of the function of the whole body.
· The
endocrine system exerts its influence through blood-borne substances
(hormones) produced in glands without secretory ducts (endocrine glands).
· The
endocrine glands comprise the hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis, which regulates
the function of the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, and reproductive glands.
Other important hormones are the growth factors, cytokines and
gastrointestinal hormones.
· Autocrine
transmission refers to liberation and
diffusion of signal molecules inside a cell to control functions in the cell
of origin.
· Calmodulin is a specific binding protein for Ca2+ inside cells. Different
calcium-calmodulin complexes activate or inhibit the activities of calcium-dependent
· Calsequestrin is a specific binding protein for Ca2+ inside the sarcoplasmic
reticulum of muscle cells. Calsequestrin is a buffer for cytosolic Ca2+-concentration.
· Catecholamines are substances consisting of catechol (an
aromatic structure with two hydroxyl groups) linked to an amine. The
important catecholamines in humans are adrenaline, noradrenaline and
· Cushing’s
disease is hypercorticism (increased glucocorticoid production) caused by a pituitary basophilic
· Cushing’s
syndrome refers to the consequences of
increased plasma glucocorticoid concentration from any source.
· Cytokines are secreted polypeptides that affect the functions of other cells.
· Domain is a segment of a protein molecule with a functional role independent of the
· Endocrine
feedback is a system, whereby the first
hormone, liberated to the blood stream, controls the secretion and
liberation of the second. The second hormone acts by feedback and modulates
the secretion of the first.
· Endocrine
transmission refers to transport of hormones
along the blood stream to a distant target organ.
· Endocytosis or pinocytosis refers to
transport of molecules or material into the cell in vesicles of cell
membrane. In some cases the coating is made by a surface protein called clathrin.
Endocytosis requires metabolic energy (ATP).
· Exocytosis is a process whereby the contents of intracellular vesicles (hormones,
transmitters) are released to the external environment.
· Feedback
systems which are negative contain at least
one step of inhibition. The total effect is to minimise any external change
introduced to the system. Almost all hormone systems maintain homeostasis by
negative feedback.
· Feedback
systems which are positive are systems, where
an external change leads to increased secretion of hormone 1, which also
leads to a secondary rise in hormone 2’s concentration. This is an
auto-accelerating phenomenon and a rarity.
· Hormones are messenger or signal molecules. Classical hormones are conveyed by the blood (endocrine
substances) and their target cells are equipped with receptors that recognise each hormone. Hormone molecules form a large signal family together with neurotransmitters, and local diffusive
(autocrine- paracrine) substances.
· Hormone
receptors are proteins, to which hormones
bind, they are present in cell membranes,
cytoplasm and nucleus, and
serve two functions. Firstly, they are required for selectivity. Secondly,
they are connected to an effector mechanism in the cell. In response to
hormone binding, the receptor conformation is changed, and this activates a
specific enzyme system that serves as an amplifier.
· Membrane
receptors are surface glycoproteins (just like
immunoglobulins), that bind the water-soluble hormones (catecholamines and
peptides). Some receptors have an amino acid sequence similar to a sequence
within the hormone.
· Neurocrine (neurosecretory) transmission refers to transport of a neurohormone first from the cell body of a neuron along its axon, and then with the
blood to its target cells.
· Neurotransmitters are signal molecules functioning in axonal
transfer or between neurons.
· Phagocytosis refers to transport into cells of bacteria and large foreign bodies. The
cells a leucocytes and cells of the reticuloendothelial system that can
destroy noxious substances.
· Paracrine
transmission is a release and diffusion of
signal molecules with regulatory action on neighbour cells.
· Radio-immuno-assays (RIA) refers to any method for detecting or
quantitating antigens or antibodies utilising radiolabeled reactants. RIA
utilises the competitive binding between a hormone and its induced antibody.
RIA can be used to detect small quantities (high sensitivity), even in
complex mixtures (high specificity).
· Transcription (copying) is defined in Chapter 31 together with other genetic concepts.
· Tropic
hormones regulate the growth and hormone
secretion from other cells. The five classical hormones from the
adenohypophysis are tropic hormones.
paragraph deals with 1.Hormones in
general, 2. Hormone receptors, 3. Monoamines, amino acids and
peptides, 4. Radio-immuno-assays, 5. Hormone function tests, 6. Clinical application of
hormones, 7. The hypothalamo-hypophyseal
system, 8. The adenohypophysis,
9. The neurohypophysis.
Hormones in general
scientists of the past used extirpation, substitution and transplantation to
obtain the classical part of our present knowledge on endocrinology (ie, the
discipline covering the internal secretion of signal molecules to the
blood). Removal of the pancreas produced diabetes in animals. Removal of the
pituitary gland, followed a few days later by removal of the pancreas,
produced no symptoms of diabetes. This is because the adenohypophysis
produces a hormone that is antagonistic to the effect of insulin in glucose
metabolism. The hormone is human growth hormone. Houssay received a Nobel
Prize for this work in 1947.
Hormones are messenger or signal molecules. Classical endocrine hormones are secreted into the blood and
transported to their distant target cells, which are equipped with receptors that recognise each hormone. The hormones co-ordinate the activities of
different cells in order to maintain homeostasis and to secure growth and
reproduction. Hormone molecules form a large signal
family together with neurotransmitters, autocrine and paracrine acting
Paracrine and autocrine signal molecules are secreted
and diffuse into the interstitial fluid surrounding the cells and their
actions are restricted either to nearby cells (paracrine) or to the cell of
origin (autocrine).
Neurotransmitters (acetylcholine, adenosine, amines, amino acids, ATP, peptides) exert a type
of paracrine action, since they are released in the synaptic region.
All reactions in the cell linking
stimulation and secretion together are termed stimulation-secretion
couplings. Stimulation-secretion coupling involves depolarization of the
cell membrane or opening of Ca2+ -channels, so that Ca2+ can diffuse into the cell and combine with its Ca2+-binding
proteins. A rise in intracellular concentration [Ca2+] is
necessary for exocytosis.
Elimination of hormones takes place by metabolic processes
such as the inactivation of peptide hormones by proteolytic enzymes, or the
transformation of hormones in the liver. Hormones are also eliminated by
excretion in the urine or bile. In the liver hormones are coupled to
glucuronic acid or sulphate, but these
hormones are in part reabsorbed
in the entero-hepatic- circuit.
binding protects small hormone molecules (such as the
thyroid hormone) from elimination. Protein binding also eases the
transportation of the lipid-soluble steroids, and maintains equilibrium
with a small free pool of hormone, so the concentration of free hormone is
Hormones can be divided into three chemical
and proteins include neuropeptides, pituitary
and gastrointestinal hormones.
Steroids consist of adrenal and gonadal steroids and vitamin D, which is converted to
a hormone. Steroids are lipid soluble (lipophilic).
Monoamines (modified amino acids) comprise catecholamines, histamine, serotonin, and
melatonin. Catecholamines (dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline) are
derived from tyrosine - and serotonin/melatonin from tryptophan - by a
series of enzymatic conversions. Monoamines and amino acid hormones are
water soluble just as peptides. Thyroid hormones are iodinated derivatives
of tyrosine, and thyroid hormones are lipophilic.
The water-soluble hormones are packed in the
Golgi complex in secretory granules that migrate to the cell surface.
Exocytosis of the granule contents to the interstitial fluid (ISF) and diffusion
through fenestrae to the capillary blood is a common method. The secretory
cells are first stimulated by chemical or electrical signals.
Synthesis of protein or peptide hormones
takes place as outlined in Chapter 31. Transcription of the hormone gene results in a specific mRNA determining
the synthesis of a single hormone. However, a single gene may dictate the
synthesis of different peptides in different cells. As the signal protein is
cut off, the prohormone is formed and transported to the Golgi apparatus and
stored in granules. The hormone specific amino acid sequence is contained in
the prohormone.
An endocrine feedback system is a
system whereby the first hormone controls the secretion and liberation of
the second. The second hormone acts by feedback to modulate the secretion of
the first.
A negative
feedback system contains at least one step of inhibition. The total
effect is to minimise any external change introduced to the system. Almost
all hormone systems maintain homeostasis by negative feedback.
A positive
feedback system exagerates any primary change initiated. - This is an
auto-accelerating phenomenon and a rarity.
The most important example in humans is the steep rise in blood [oestradiol] in the middle of the menstrual cycle. High
[oestradiol], when maintained for longer than 35 hours, stimulates by
positive feedback, the luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating
hormone (FSH) secretion from the adenohypophysis, which further stimulate
oestradiol secretion etc.
By contrast, moderate plasma [oestradiol]
levels, which are present during the other parts of the cycle, provide
negative instead of positive feedback. Long
feedback systems act on the hypothalamo-pituitary system from remote
target organs.
feedback systems use a short distance
feedback, such as the influence of the hypophysis back to the hypothalamus. Auto-feedback refers to the action of a liberated hormone that was secreted on the
cell from where it came thereby modulating its own secretion.
Hormone receptors
These are proteins, to which hormones bind.
They are present in cell membranes, cytoplasm and nucleus, and serve two
functions. Firstly, they are required for selectivity. Secondly, they are
connected to an effector mechanism in the cell (Fig.
In response to hormone binding the receptor
conformation is changed, and this activates a specific enzyme system that
serves as an amplifier. In the cytosol, multiple second messengers have
evolved to serve such purposes, whereas in the nucleus, the hormone-receptor
complex binds to DNA and regulates gene expression (Fig. 26-1). The effector
domain of the membrane receptor is directly coupled to the regulatory
portion of the effector enzymes (such as adenylcyclase = adenylate cyclase).
These effector enzymes control ion fluxes, membrane transport systems, the
production of cyclic nucleotides, and the breakdown of phospholipids.
Inactive kinases are activated by the use of ATP.
phosphorylation is critical for for transformation of information and for
cell viability (synthesis, transport and metabolism of vital molecules).
Many hormones initiate a series of reactions when bound to membrane
receptors. One family of coupling molecules, called G-proteins, links some
of the receptors to nearby effector molecules (see Chapter
1). Other receptors make use of another system.

26-1: Target cells activation by hormones acting at Membrane,
Cytoplasmic, and Nuclear receptors.
Steroids and thyroid hormones are lipophilic
and therefore pass easily through the cell membrane by diffusion. Steroids
bind to specific cytosol-receptor proteins that are then translocated into
the cell nucleus where they reversibly bind to DNA (Fig.
26-1). Some unbound receptor proteins may even exist in the nucleus. The
binding of the steroid-receptor complex to the specific gene modulates mRNA
Tri-iodo-thyronine (T3) binds to
nuclear receptor proteins, which then attaches to a thyroid response unit in
the gene in a manner similar to that of steroid receptors. The result is
increased mRNA formation (Fig. 26-1).
Steroids and thyroid hormones frequently
work in conjunction with each other (potentiate amplification of gene
Cell membrane and intracellular receptors
can change their affinity and number. A specific ligand for a receptor is
able to modulate the total number of this receptor. Increasing the
concentration of the ligand (hormone, neurotransmitter, drug) often reduces
the number of receptors (down-regulation), and other hormones recruit their
own receptors at low concentrations (up-regulation). Maximal effects of
hormones are generally observed at receptor occupancy of less than 50%.
The myoepithelial cells (myometrium and
breast) contain oxytocin receptors. Their number is up regulated by
estrogens and down regulated by progesterone. The cardiac muscle contains
nor-adrenergic receptors (b1).
Both affinity and number of receptors is increased by thyroid hormone
stimulation (T3/T4).
Internalisation is the transport of hormone-receptor complex into the cell by an endocytotic
vesicle. This is a means of terminating the action of the hormone. After
destruction of the hormone by lysosomes, the receptor returns to the surface
and is reused.
Monoamines, amino acids and peptides
Such water-soluble hormones (first
messengers) bind to hormone receptors on the lipid-rich plasma membrane.
Peptide hormone and catecholamine receptors are membrane receptors with a
binding domain located extracellularly and an effector domain
intracellularly (Fig. 26-1).
The second messengers involved are cyclic
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP),
inositol trisphosphate (IP3), Ca2+, diacylglycerol
(DAG) etc. The Ca2+-ion is an important second messenger. The Ca2+-influx
to the cytosol is controlled by hormone receptor binding, neural stimuli or
modified by other second messengers.
Sutherland discovered cAMP and demonstrated
its role as a second messenger in mediating body functions (Nobel Prize
Increased activity of the sympathetic
nervous system including release of adrenaline triggers fight-or-flight
reactions. In the heart, adrenaline molecules diffuse to the myocardial
cells, where they bind to membrane b-receptors.
A stimulatory signal is hereby transmitted to an associated enzyme called
adenylcyclase. This enzyme catalyses the conversion of ATP to cAMP. The
importance of cAMP is that it activates protein kinase A, which, among many
other functions, phosphorylates the Ca2+-channel protein. This
activation is correlated with an increase in the magnitude of the Ca2+-influx,
the force of contraction, and the heart rate.
The parasympathetic system counteracts the
sympathetic by slowing the heart rate and decreasing the force of
contraction. Acetylcholine is bound to another set of specific membrane
receptors located on the heart cell membrane. Acetylcholine reduces the Ca2+-influx
that was increased by adrenaline.
Most hormones have a blood concentration of
approximately 10-10 mol per l. One molecule bound to a cell
receptor releases 10 000 times more cAMP in the cell. Hence, cAMP works as
an amplifier of the hormone signal.
Phosphodiesterase (PDE) destroys cAMP. PDE
enhances hydrolysis of cAMP to the inactive 5’- AMP by a highly exergonic
Inhibitors of the PDE (theophylline and
caffeine) act synergistically with hormones that use cAMP as a second
cAMP stimulates catabolic processes such as
lipolysis, glycogenolysis (glucagon), gluconeogenesis, and ketogenesis. The
cAMP also stimulates amylase liberation in the saliva by the parotid gland,
the HCl secretion by the parietal cells, the insulin release by the b-cells
in pancreas, and the increased ion permeability of many cell membranes.
When the glucose concentration increases in
the arterial blood and close to the b-cells of the pancreatic islets of
Langerhans, it triggers an increase in Ca2+ -influx to the
The initial surge in insulin secretion is
caused by calmodulin-dependent protein
The high cytosolic [Ca2+]
activates the membrane phospholipase A2 and C. Phospholipase A2
releases arachidonic acid (AA) which stimulates insulin secretion.
Phospholipase C catalyses the formation of IP3 and DAG. The IP3 releases more Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum, and DAG
activates protein kinase C.
The decrease in insulin secretion after the
initial surge and its subsequent increase can be explained by the action of
protein kinase C.
Initially, the active protein kinase C
stimulates the Ca2+-pump in the plasma membrane, reduces
cytosolic [Ca2+] and thus reduces the initial
calmodulin-dependent insulin secretion. Later, protein kinase C stimulates
the formation of cAMP and amplifies the induction of calmodulin-dependent
protein kinase thereby causing a gradual increase in insulin secretion.
Prolonged glucose stimulation probably leads to down-regulation of protein
kinase C. An abnormally prolonged glucose stimulation may render b-cells
glucose blind and thus spoil their function.
Insulin secretion is not only stimulated by
glucose, but also potentated by acetylcholine via phospholipase C and by
glucagon via activation of adenylcyclase. b-Agonists
stimulate b-receptors
on the glucagon producing a-cells,
whereas a-agonists
inhibit insulin secretion via a2-receptors
on the b-cells.
Acetylcholine and glucagon react by activating protein kinase C and cAMP
dependent protein kinase A, respectively. Both mechanisms potentate the Ca2+-triggered
insulin secretion.
Transcription in the cell nucleus produces a
precursor messenger RNA molecule complementary to part of a DNA. The
precursor is processed into messenger RNA and transported through the
nuclear membrane into the cytoplasm. Messenger RNA carries the genetic
information in triplet codons (Chapter 31). Messenger RNA binds to ribosomes and transfer RNA molecules synthesise
peptides (ribosomal translation). Translation produces big precursor
molecules (pre-pro-hormones). Precursors have a signal peptide that contains
processing information to ensure that the protein enters the rough
endoplasmic reticulum. Here enzymes split the precursor into a signal
molecule and a prohormone. Finally, peptide hormones undergo
post-translational processing (for eg, thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH, and
gonadotropins are glycosylated; insulin forms a zinc-complex). The hormones
reach the Golgi complex, where they are packed into secretory granules that
migrate to the cell surface.
Roger Guillemin synthesized brain peptides
that regulate the pituitary secretion in vitro. He received the Nobel Prize
in 1977.
Radio-immuno-assays (RIA)
RIA refers to any method for detecting or
quantitating antigens or antibodies utilising radiolabeled reactants. RIA is
used to detect very small quantities of antigens or antibodies, even in
complex mixtures.
First a specific antibody is produced
towards the antigen (eg, hormone).
one version of RIA for antigen detection, the antigen is radiolabeled and
reacted with a limited amount of specific antibody. The complex containing
bound antigen is then separated from free antigen. Unlabeled antigen in a
test sample is used to compete with the binding of radiolabeled antigen. The
test antigen is quantitated from the extent of inhibition obtained with
standards containing defined amounts of the same antigen.
Rosalyn S. Yalow and Saul Berson developed
the RIA method. Rosalyn Yalow received the Nobel Prize in 1977.
Recent variations of the RIA technique
include immuno-radiometric, chemi-luminescent, and enzyme-linked
radioimmuno-sorbent assays. - In the radioreceptor assay a hormone receptor
is substituted for the antigen-antibody in RIA.
Hormone function tests
following tests are clinical tools in the diagnosis of hormone disorders:
5.1. The hormone concentration in the blood is commonly used. It can be
measured by taking advantage of the new methods described above.
5.2. The secretion flux of T3 and T4 from the
thyroid gland.
5.3. The metabolic rate or the absorption rate of 131I
(radioactive iodine) in the thyroid gland. The physical half-life of 131I
is 8 days or 192 hours. The elimination rate constant (k) of a substance is
the amount eliminated per unit time divided by the total amount present in
the distribution volume, assuming exponential elimination. The variable k is
easy to calculate:
T½ = ln 2/k = 0.693/k. The value of k for iodine is 0.693/192 or 0.0036
5.4. The elimination rate:
amounts of catecholamines or VMA (Vanillyl mandelic acid) in a 24-hour urine
suggest the presence of a catecholamine-producing tumour
5.5. Stimulation test:
with ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone) without a substantial rise in plasma
-[cortisol] suggests primary, adrenocortical atrophia.
5.6. Suppression test:
(a cortisol synergist) is administered to a Cushing suspect patient in the
evening. The next morning a measurement of plasma [cortisol] shows
suppression in normal persons and in patients with a primary,
adrenocortical hyperfunction. The cortisol synergist reduces ACTH
secretion and thus cortisol production by negative feedback.
Cushing is never suppressed by cortisol.
5.7. The
glucose tolerance test:
A load of
glucose normally triggers an increased rate of insulin production.
Clinical applications of hormones
Distribution of oestrogens and progesterone
in contraceptives (P pills) is
world-wide. Oestrogens are widely used to relieve postmenopausal discomfort.
Now some females with osteoporosis are treated experimentally with
calcitonin, because calcitonin inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption.
Insulin is a lifesaver for diabetics, and it
is produced and distributed as pure human insulin.
In the affluent areas of the world many
women deliver their babies following an oxytocin infusion.
Oestrogens and gonadotropins are used in
treatment of sterility and menstrual disturbances.
Huggins received the Nobel Prize in 1966 for
the introduction of a new form of cancer therapy in which sex hormones are
used to retard their growth. He used androgens for breast cancer and
oestrogens for prostate cancer.
The hypothalamo-hypophyseal system.
The human pituitary gland consists
essentially of two parts both controlled by the hypothalamus.
The glandular part is the adenohypophysis or anterior lobe, and the neural part is the neurohypophysis or posterior lobe.
The adenohypophysis develops ectodermally
from the primitive mouth cavity (Rathkes pouch). Blood-borne signal
molecules from the hypothalamus regulate the cells of the adenohypophysis.
The neurohypophysis develops from the
neuro-ectoderm in the floor of the third ventricle. The two parts combine to
form one body called the adeno-neuro-hypophysis that weighs about 0.5 g.
The infundibular process of the
neurohypophysis receives blood from the inferior hypophyseal artery, whose
capillary plexus drains into the adenohypophysis (Fig.
26-2). The upper stalk and the median eminence is supplied with blood by
the carotid artery to the superior hypophyseal artery, whose primary
capillary plexus ends in long portal veins carrying blood to the highly
permeable secondary capillary plexus of the adenohypophysis. From this
plexus, blood drains into the dural sinus. The adenohypophysis lies outside
the blood-brain barrier, and does not receive arterial blood directly. A
third capillary plexus, between the neurohypophysis and the median eminence
of the hypothalamus, allows short loop feedback from the hypophysis to the hypothalamus.
The hypothalamus and the hypophysis connects
in the following ways (Fig. 26-2):
1. The neurosecretory axons pass from the cell bodies in the supraoptic
and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus to the neurohypophysis. The
neurosecretory granules are here stored in the terminals of these axons. The
granules are released by exocytosis upon stimulation. The peptides from the
granules then enter the capillary plexus of the inferior hypophyseal artery
2. The hypophysiotropic zone in the median eminence of the hypothalamus
is connected to the adenohypophysis. Both releasing and inhibiting peptides
are synthesized in hypothalamic neuron bodies and transported to the median
eminence in granules via axonal transport. At the median eminence the
inhibitory and releasing signal molecules are discharged to the capillary
plexus of the superior hypophyseal artery. From here they follow the blood
through the long portal veins to reach the specific cells in the
adenohypophysis. Here, the releasing and inhibiting hormones modulate the
output of tropic hormones.

26-2: The hypothalamo-pituitary axis. The 5 classical tropic hormones
are corticotropin, gonadotropins (FSH, LH), somatotropin, thyrotropin and
Neurosecretory neurons (which have nuclei in
the hypothalamus and axons that lead to the median eminence and to the
posterior lobe of the hypophysis) and peptidergic neurons (spread in the
nervous system and gut) produce and liberate peptides in much the same way.
The secretory granules travel through the
axons of the neurosecretory neurons that form the supraoptico-hypophyseal
tract, with high velocity (more than 100 mm
each hour). This tract runs through the pituitary stalk and end in the
neurohypophysis. The transfer is known as axoplasmic transport. The
neuro-hypophyseal terminals are located close to the capillary blood.
During transport the pro-hormone splits into its subunits. Oxytocin and
vasopression are then released.
The nerve endings of this tract in the
neurohypophysis are the storage area for these two neurosecretory hormones;
secretion to the blood takes place through fenestrated capillaries. The
secretion granules release their content by regulated exocytosis. Exocytosis
is triggered when the neurosecretory neuron is depolarised and an action
potential is transferred to the terminals.
Even a small rise in the osmolarity of
plasma stimulates osmoreceptors, located close to the neurosecretory cells
in the hypothalamus.
The osmoreceptors stimulate both production
and secretion of vasopressin (ADH) in the neurosecretory cells. The plasma
[ADH] will then rise from the basal level that is 2 pmol per l. The normal
secretion flux is 10-13mol ADH per kg body weight per min, and
the biological half-life in human plasma is 18 min. Some females increase
their plasma [ADH] in the pre-menstrual phase.
The neuroregulatory peptides are
endogenous opiates (endorphins and enkephalins), b-lipotropin, neurotensin, substance P, VIP or
vasoactive intestinal peptide etc. Many of these peptides are cut off from a
big mother molecule: pro-opio-melanocortin (POMC). These peptides may
exhibit a permissive effect on other hormones (ACTH, growth hormone) related
to behaviour and autonomic responses. During exercise (a Cooper test which
lasts 12 min) the plasma [b-endorphin]
and [ACTH] increases by 200-300% from the normal resting averages of 1.7 and
2.2 pmol per l, respectively. There is an increase in plasma [ACTH] and its
accompanying neuroregulatory peptides during prolonged stress like
exhaustive exercise and chronic disease. The endogenous opiates affect
stress-adapting behaviour, such as the euphoria observed in the chronically
The pituitary gland normally has a mass of
approximately 500 mg, but it increases during pregnancy and decreases with
The adenohypophysis
The five hormones from the adenohypophysis are tropic hormones - they regulate
the growth and hormone secretion of target cells (Fig.
26-2). They include:
1. Thyrotropin or thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which is produced
in thyrotropic cells,
2. Gonadotropins (FSH and LH) from gonadotropic cells,
3. Corticotropin (ACTH) from corticotropic cells,
4. Somatotropin (human growth hormone, HGH or GH) from somatotropic
cells and
5. Prolactin or mammotropin produced in mammotropic cells.
The five tropic peptide hormones have the
following molecular characteristics:
1. One group contains glycoproteins with two peptide chains.
There is
a special, biologically active b-chains
for each of the three hormones TSH, FSH and LH, although the inactive a-chain
is the same for all of them.
2. Somato-mammotropins are single-chain peptides containing 200 amino
acids of almost the same sequence.
HGH and
prolactin (PRL) are probably simple gene duplicates from the same prohormone
3. POMC peptides are neuroregulatory hormones: ACTH, endogenous opiates, b-endorphin, b-lipoprotein, a-MSH
and b-MSH
(MSH abbreviates melanocytic stimulating hormone).
Histamine plays an important role in pituitary hormone secretion.
Histamine stimulates the secretion of ACTH, b-endorphin, a-MSH,
and PRL. Histamine participates in the release of these hormones during
prolonged stress and possibly in the suckling- and oestrogen-induced
release of growth hormone (GH) and TSH are predominantly inhibited by
histamine. GH is the main stimulator of body growth in humans (Chapter 30).
increases the secretion of LH in females - mediated by GnRH (gonadotropin
releasing hormone). Histamine probably affects the cell bodies in the
supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, stimulating the formation of arginine
vasopressin and oxytocin.
The neurohypophysis
The neurohypophysis secretes two hormones:
vasopressin and oxytocin.
Vasopressin or antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is a vasopressor
with a strong antidiuretic effect as the names imply. Vasopressin is
normally synthesized as a big pre-prohormone in the ribosomes of neurons in
the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus. The
pre-prohormone consists of a signal peptide, ADH, neurophysin and a
glycopeptide. First, the signal peptide is cut off, and then the precursors
are packed in secretion granules in the Golgi complex. The secretion
granules travel by axoplasmic transport through the axon of the
neurosecretory neurons that form the supraoptic-hypophyseal tract, and then
are stored in its terminals in the neurohypophysis. These terminals are
located close to the fenestrated capillaries. The smallest rise in the
osmolarity of plasma stimulates osmoreceptors located close to the
neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus. The osmoreceptors stimulate both
production and release of ADH. Vasopressin is a nonapeptide with a molecular
weight of 1084 Da.
ADH has the following effects:
1. ADH eases the renal reabsorption of water in the cortical collecting
ducts (and not in the outer medulla but in the inner medulla) - leading to
2. ADH probably stimulates the active solute reabsorption (NaCl) in the
thick ascending limb of the renal Henle loop. Thus, ADH helps maintain the
concentration gradient in the kidney.
3. Vasopressin is a universal vasoconstrictor. Vasopressin reduces the
small, medullary bloodflow through vasa recta along the Henle loop.
ADH acts
on the basolateral membrane of the cells, and the result is a rise of [cAMP]
in the cytosol. The cAMP diffuses to the luminal side, where it causes
vesicular structures to develop and fuse with the luminal membrane. Hereby,
the membrane receives a large number of water channels, so the membrane
becomes highly water permeable. Water diffuses through the cell to the
basolateral membrane and into the interstitial fluid.
Stimulation of tactile receptors in the mammary nipple causes the neurosecretory
neurons to release oxytocin through a neuroendocrine reflex.
The latency between the stimulus and milk
ejection is due mainly to the transport of oxytocin in the blood from the
neurohypophysis to the milk ducts (20-30 s). Oxytocin stimulates the
myoepithelial cells in the milk ducts of the lactating breast so that milk
is ejected to the baby.
Oxytocin also stimulates the myoepithelial
(myometrial) cells of the uterus satisfying the woman sexually during
breast-feeding. Oxytocin can perhaps start labour.
· This paragraph deals with the five tropical
hormones from the adenohypophysis and vasopressin secreted from the
neurohypophysis: 1.Pituitary
TSH-secreting tumours, 2. Polycystic ovarian
syndrome, 3. Basophilic
pituitary adenoma, 5. Prolactinomas, 6. Diabetes
insipidus, 7. Syndrome of
inappropriate ADH secretion, 8.
Pituitary TSH-secreting tumours
A pituitary TSH-secreting tumour is an
extremely rare cause of thyrotoxicosis. Thyrotoxicosis is dealt with in Chapter 28.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Chaotic LHRH secretion from the hypothalamus
to highly sensitive gonadotropic cells in the pituitary increases the
LH-level in the blood plasma. Actually, LHRH induces its own receptors. The
gonadotropin level is so high in the follicular phase that androgens in
excess are produced from the theca cells. These females produce immature or
atretic follicles occurring as multiple cysts in enlarged ovaries.
A maintained LH-level can be produced by
other causes. The excessive gonadotropin and androgen secretion causes
irregular bleedings, subfertility, acne and hirsutism.
Basophilic pituitary adenoma
Basophilic pituitary adenoma is the cause of
classical Cushing’s disease. The
excessive ACTH secretion induces adrenocortical hypersecretion of cortisol.
The hyper-cortisolaemia causes the many symptoms and signs found in Cushing’s
syndrome (Chapter 30).
Somatotropic pituitary adenoma
Somatotropic pituitary adenomas produce
large amounts of growth hormone leading to gigantismus in childhood and to acromegaly in
adults. These cases of hyperpituitarism are dealt with in Chapter 30. In rare cases the cause is excessive GHRH secretion from the
hypothalamus. Some acromegalics also produce excess prolactin in
hypertrophic mammotrophs.
Pituitary adenoma cells with TRH receptors
also secrete excess GH. TRH is used as a diagnostic test. Other pituitary
adenoma cells have somatostatin receptors. Somatostatin and somatostatin
agonists inhibit GH secretion, and make the adenomas shrink
Prolactinomas are microlactinomas (less than
1 cm), which cause anovulatory, irregular bleedings, abnormal milk
production (galactorrhoea), and subfertility. The constantly elevated plasma
prolactin inhibits the LH-secretion necessary for ovulation. – Dopamine,
dopamine agonists and somatostatin analogues inhibit prolactin secretion and
can make the prolactinomas shrink.
Diabetes insipidus
The true form of diabetes insipidus is caused by deficiency of vasopressin (ADH
deficiency). There are two types of diabetes insipidus. The primary or
idiopathic type, which is due to a genetic defect that blocks the hormone
production, and the secondary type, where the hypothalamo-hypophysary system
is damaged by disease or surgery.
The renal tubule cells are rarely
insensitive to ADH, and this infrequent condition is called renal diabetes insipidus or nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. This is a sex-linked recessive disorder or it is
acquired from renal disorders or hypercalcaemia.
The symptoms and signs are mainly due to the
large diuresis (polyuria), nocturia, and a tremendous thirst (polydipsia). A
total lack of ADH can result in a diuresis of 25 l daily.
eases the renal reabsorption of water in the cortical collecting ducts and
in the inner medulla via a cAMP mechanism which increases the number of
water channels in the luminal membrane. ADH stimulates NaCl reabsorption in
the thick ascending limb of Henle, and vasopressin is a universal
Synthetic vasopressin is given intra-nasally
as a spray up to 3 times daily.
Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion
ADH producing tumours in the hypophysis or
in the lungs causes the syndrome of
inappropriate ADH secretion. Water
retention, concentrated urine, hyposmolar plasma, and muscle cramps
characterise this syndrome.
is typically due to total destruction
(lesions or tumour invasion) of all hormones in the hypothalamo-hypophysary
system. Lack of GH and somatomedins result in a dwarf without normal sex
development (lack of LH and FSH). This dwarf has also hypothyroidism (lack
of TSH), and a Cushing-like syndrome (hypercorticism without excess ACTH
The differentiation of somatotrophs,
mammotrophs and thyrotrophs is dependent upon a protein transcription factor (Pit-1). Mutation of the Pit-1
gene leads to hypoplasia of the adenohypophysis and to insufficient
production og GH, prolactin and TSH with hypopituitarism.
Choice Questions
following five statements have True/False options:
A. High-pressure
liquid chromatography is a sensitive analysis used for many hormones and
biochemical key molecules.
B. he affinity and number of specific membrane receptors on a
given cell is constant.
C. Monoamines
and amino acid hormones are water-soluble just as peptides.
inhibits catabolic processes such as lipolysis, glycogenolysis,
gluconeogenesis, and ketogenesis.
E. Hyperpituitarism
is often caused by microadenomata, which typically cause dwarf growth.
History A
adenohypophysis of a 23 year old woman contains approximately 300 mg
of TSH with a molecular weight of 31 000. TSH has a half-life (T½)
in plasma of 55 min and a concentration of 100 pmol per l of plasma. The
haematocrit of the patient is 0.5. The woman secretes TSH to her total blood
volume (TBV), which is 4 l.
1. Develop
an equation for the calculation of her TSH secretion (J mol/hour). The rate
constant k can be used.
2. Calculate
the secretion of TSH from her adenohypophysis
3. What fraction of her total TSH store is secreted per 24 hours?
History B
woman (24 years of age; height: 1.70 m; weight: 60 kg) is in hospital due to
a tremendous thirst, and she drinks large amounts of water. Since she is
producing 10 or more litres of urine each day, the doctors suspect the
diagnosis to be diabetes insipidus. The vasopressin concentration in plasma
(measured by a RIA method) is 10 fmol per l. Her secretion of vasopressin is only 5% of the normal flux of 10-13 mol per min per kg body weight. The normal plasma [vasopressin] is 2 pmol
per l as a mean. The extracellular volume (ECV) is 20% of her body weight.
is injected intravenously at several occasions. A dose of 3 mg
vasopressin is the minimum necessary to normalise her diuresis for 4 hours.
Before the injection her diuresis is 6 ml of urine per min, but within 25
min her urination is constantly around 0.5 ml/min.
1. Calculate
the secretion of vasopressin (in mg/hour)
from the neurohypophysis of a normal 60-kg person and of this patient.
2. Calculate
the distribution volume for vasopressin, which is 20% higher than ECV.
3. Assume
the 3 mg
vasopressin injected to be distributed evenly immediately after the
intravenous injection. Calculate the rise in vasopressin concentration in
the distribution volume.
4. Estimate
the relation between this concentration and that of a healthy individual.
5. Does
this ratio have implications for the interpretation of her special type of
diabetes insipidus?
6. Is it dangerous to lose 10
litres of urine per day?
to solve these problems before looking up the answers .
· The
hypothalamo-pituitary system controls the function of the adrenal, thyroid,
and reproductive glands, as well as regulating growth, lactation, milk
secretion and water excretion.
· Protein
and peptide hormone synthesis starts with processing of a primary gene
transcript (code) called a prohormone. The processing includes proteolysis,
glycosylation and phosphorylation.
· Catecholamines,
peptide and protein hormones are stored in secretory granules and discharged
by exocytosis.
· Catecholamines,
peptide and protein hormones are water-soluble and cannot pass the cell
membrane. They act on the surface of target cells via membrane receptors.
The hormone-receptor-complex activates second messengers in the cell (cAMP,
Ca2+, DAG, IP3) via stimulatory or inhibitory
· Thyroid
and steroid hormones are lipid-soluble and act through specific nuclear
receptors. The hormone-receptor-complex modulates elements in DNA molecules
in order to change the expression of target genes.
· Peptide
hormones produced in the cell bodies of hypothalamic neurons pass down their
axons inside secretory granules to be stored in the terminals of the
· Releasing
and inhibiting peptides from the hypothalamus are released in pulses in the
adenohypophysis and act via second messengers. They modulate transcription,
translation and secretion of tropic hormones.
· Vasopressin
or antidiuretic hormone is a vasopressor with a strong antidiuretic effect
as the names imply. Vasopressin (ADH) is normally synthesized as a big
pre-prohormone in the ribosomes of neurons in the supraoptic and
paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus. The pre-prohormone consists of a
signal peptide, ADH, neurophysin and a glycopeptide.
peptides are neuroregulatory hormones: ACTH, endogenous opiates, b-endorphin, b-lipoprotein, a-MSH
and b-MSH.
· Stimulation
of tactile receptors in the mammary nipple causes the neurosecretory neurons
to release oxytocin through a neuroendocrine reflex. Oxytocin stimulates the
myoepithelial cells in the milk ducts of the lactating breast. Oxytocin also
stimulates the myoepithelial (myometrial) cells of the uterus. Oxytocin can
perhaps start labour.
· The
true form of diabetes insipidus is caused by deficiency of vasopressin (ADH
deficiency). There are two types of diabetes insipidus. The primary or
idiopathic type, which is due to a genetic defect that blocks the hormone
production, and the secondary type, where the hypothalamo-hypophysary system
is damaged by disease or surgery.
producing tumours in the hypophysis or in the lungs causes the Syndrome of
inappropriate ADH secretion. Water
retention, concentrated urine, hyposmolar plasma, and muscle cramps
characterise this syndrome.
· Panhypopituitarism
is due to total destruction (lesions or tumour invasion) of all hormones in
the hypothalamo-hypophysary system. Lack of GH and somatomedins result in a
dwarf without normal sex development (lack of LH and FSH). This dwarf has
also hypothyroidism (lack of TSH), and a Cushing-like hypercorticism
(wothout ACTH secretion).
· Hyperpituitarism
is often caused by prolactin producing microadenomata, which cause abnormal
milk production. This leads to disturbance of the menstrual cycle and
infertility. Other pituitary adenomas produce large amounts of GH leading to
gigantismus in childhood and to acromegaly in adults.
Nature. Weekly journal published by Macmillan
Magazines Ltd, Porters South, 4 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW, UK.
Cell. Bi-weekly journal published by Cell Press,
1050 Massachusetts Av., Cambridge Massachusetts 02138, USA.
R. S. “Radioimmunoassay: Historical aspects and general considerations”,
in Handbook of Experiment. Pharmacol.,
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