The Human Genome And
Genetic Disorders
Chapter was written following fruitful discussions with my colleague, Erik
Niebuhr, MD, DSc, University of Copenhagen.
· To define allele, anaphase, anticodon, autosomes, chromatid, chromatin, chromosome,
clone, codon, diploid, exons, gene, gene frequency, haploid, haemophilia,
introns, nucleotides, post-translational modification, probability, promoter
sequence, ribosomal translation, sex-linked genes, splicing, transcription,
translocation, and transversion.
· To describe the human genome, gene therapy, and the roles of DNA, RNA, messenger RNA,
transfer RNA and recombinant DNA
· To calculate the frequency of abnormal genes in the total gene pool of a population.
· To explain protein synthesis, DNA transcription, mutations, and genetic disorders.
· To use the above concepts in problem solving and case histories.
· Many
hormones regulate genes expressed by some cells. This mechanism controls the
synthesis of enzymes, receptor proteins, structural proteins, and
transcription proteins. This is why steroid and thyroid hormones require hours
for their biological effect.
· The
partial or total lack of specificity in the third base of some triplet codons
may allow 2-4 codons, differing only in the third base, to code for the same
amino acid.
· Allele is an alternative form of a gene occupying the same locus on a
particular chromosome.
· Anaphase refers to the stage of nuclear division, which is characterized by
movement of chromosomes from spindle equator to spindle pools.
· Anticodon is the group of three nucleotides in transfer RNA that pairs
complementarily with three nucleotides of messenger RNA during protein
· Autosomes refers to any chromosome which is not a sex chromosome or mitochondrial
chromosome. Humans possess 22 pairs of autosomes.
· Bacteriophag is a bacterial virus. Bacterial viruses are modified and used as vectors
for DNA cloning.
· Chromatid results from the replication of chromosomes during interphase. A
chromatid is one of the two identical halves of a chromosome, which shares a
common centromere with a sister chromatid.
· Chromatin refers to the nuclear material, which comprises the chromosomes: The DNA
· Chromosomes are nucleoprotein structures, which are the sites of nuclear genes
arranged in linear order.
· Clone. A group of cells or organisms derived from a single ancestral cell or
individual by asexual multiplication (repeated mitoses). All members of a
clone are genetically identical.
· Codon or triplet code is determined by a base triple (three adjacent nucleotides that code for
one amino acid). A codon encodes a specific amino acid residue to be added
into the peptide chain or specifies termination of translation. Three codons
in mRNA (UAA, UAG and UGA) are stop
codons. The signals encoded by the codons form the genetic
· Dalton refers to a weight unit equal to the mass of the hydrogen atom.
· Deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA) is a helical
coiled nucleic acid molecule composed of deoxyribose-phosphate units connected
by paired bases attached to the deoxyribose sugar. DNA is the genetic material
of all living organisms and vira.
· Diploid refers to the number of chromosomes found in somatic cells (ie, two
polymerase is the enzyme that
replicates DNA.
· Dominant describes a trait expressed in individuals who are heterozygous for a
particular gene
· Exon is a segment of a gene that is represented in the final spliced mRNA
· Expressivity is the degree to which the effect of a gene is expressed.
· Frequency refers to the relative number of actual cases per 100 000 persons in a
· Gene is a part of a DNA molecule that codes for the synthesis of a specific
polypeptide chain through its sequence of nucleotides. Each human gene extends
over 40 kb in general, but we also posses longer genes. The gene, located in
the chromosome, is the particulate determiner of hereditary trait.
· Gene
frequency refers to the
number of loci at which a gene occurs, divided by the number of loci at which
it could occur. This is the proportion of one allele of a pair of genes
present in the population.
· Gene
therapy is the application of gene transfer (DNA delivery to cells) in an
attempt to treat genetic or acquired disorders. The transferred DNA must
contain promoter zones for transcription and the protein-coding region of the
· Genome is the total amount of genetic material in the cell.
· Genotype is the genetic constitution of an individual.
· Haploid refers to an individual or germ cell having a single complete set of
chromosomes (one set).
· Heterozygote is an individual possessing two different alleles at the corresponding
loci on a pair of homologous chromosomes.
· Homozygote is an individual possessing identical alleles at the corresponding loci
on a pair of homologous chromosomes.
· Haemophilia is an X-linked, recessive genetic disorder characterised by free
bleeding from even slight wounds because of lack of formation of clotting
· Incidence refers to the new cases of a disorder diagnosed per year in a population
· Intron is a segment of a gene not represented in the final mRNA product. The
segment has been removed through splicing together of exons on either side of
· Karyotype is the number, size and shape of the chromosomes in a cell.
· Meiosis is a nuclear division in which the diploid chromosome number is reduced
by half.
· Mutagens mean all agents that bring about a mutation.
· Mutation is a sudden change in genotype without relation to the ancestry of the
· Nucleotides are the basic units of nucleic acids and contain a 2-deoxyribose (a
pentose sugar molecule), a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base. DNA has
only four types of nitrogenous base, namely: Adenine (A), Cytosine (C),
Guanine (G), and Thymine (T): A C G T.
· Oncogenes are genes which are altered in structure or expression, and contribute
to the neoplastic transformation of cells (cancer cells).
· Phenotype is the appearance of an individual, resulting from the effects of both
environment and genes.
· Post-translational
modification: Following
ribosomal translation, proteins are modified by addition of carbohydrates,
cleavage of bonds within the new protein, shortening or folding.
· Polyploid refers to an individual having more than two complete sets of
chromosomes (triploid = 3, tetraploid = 4).
· Probability is the likelihood of occurrence of a given event.
· Promoter is a region of DNA that plays an essential role in the initiation of
transcription of a gene.
· Recessive describes a trait expressed in individuals, who
are homozygous for a particular gene but not found in the heterozygote.
· Recombinant
DNA refers to a DNA strand
resulting from the physical joining of two or more pre-existing DNA strands.
· Ribonucleic
acid (RNA) is similar to DNA
except that it contains ribose instead of pentose and Uracil (U) instead of T: A C G U. RNA is usually single stranded.
· Ribosomal
translation is programmed
protein synthesis. Inside the ribosome the particular sequence of the mRNA is
read, and the particular sequence of nucleotides is build into a polypeptide.
This is the so-called translation
process, whereby the amino acids are always linked to the polypeptide
chain in the proper sequence.
polymerase is the enzyme that
synthesises RNA based on a DNA template.
· Sex-linked
gene is a gene located on the
X- or Y-chromosome in XY species. The genes of well-known sex-linked disorders
are located mainly on the X-chromosome.
· Splicing takes place inside the cell nucleus. The coding sequences or exons of
the immature RNA molecule are cut and spliced together by enzymes eliminating
intervening introns. The final
product is called mature messenger RNA (mRNA).
· Transcription (copying) is the copying of
the DNA code into a single stranded immature messenger RNA (mRNA). RNA is
ribonucleic acid. In the TATA box, the RNA polymerase transcribes a single
stranded copy of the DNA sequence. The
copying stops at the end of the gene.
· Transfer
RNA (tRNA) is a molecule which carries a single amino acid and transfer the
amino acid to the ribosome. - There are at least 20 different types of tRNA,
each carrying only one amino acid.
· Translation is the process by which a specific mRNA nucleotide sequence is
responsible for a specific amino acid sequence of a polypeptide. The genetic
information is translated into protein synthesis.
· Translocation refers to the transfer of a
portion of one chromosome to another non-homologous chromosome.
· Transversion is the substitution in DNA or RNA of a purine for a pyrimidine or vice
· Trisomy is the representation of a chromosome three times rather than twice,
yielding a total of 47 chromosomes.
· Vector is a DNA molecule used to carry DNA regions.
· Zygote is the result of fusion of two gametes in sexual reproduction (a
fertilised egg is a zygote).
This paragraph deals with 1. The
human genome, 2. Protein synthesis, 3.
DNA transcription.
The human genome
Genetic coding is stored
in DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid (Fig.
31-1). Nuclear DNA is the dominant controller of protein synthesis in the
ribosomes. The codes of special enzymes and other proteins are based on at
least 20 amino acids arranged in sequence. The nucleus contains a nucleolus
and the chromatin network. Chromatin is DNA molecules rolled up in a pearl
chain structure with proteins called nucleosomes.
DNA consists of two
nucleotide strands twisted around each other to form the so-called double
helix (Fig.31-1), which can be several cm in length. The double helix is
folded to form chromosomes with a length of approximately 10 mm
(Fig. 31-1).
Nucleotides contain a 2-deoxyribose (a
pentose sugar molecule), a phosphate group,
and a nitrogenous base. DNA has only
four types of nitrogenous base, namely: Adenine (A), Cytosine (C), Guanine
(G), and Thymine (T): A C G T (Fig. 31-1)
The human body cell contains 46 chromosomes in a normal nucleus. Females
have two X-chromosomes and two sets of 22 autosomes, whereas males have one X-
and one Y-chromosome plus two sets of 22 autosomes.
The length of a DNA
molecule is measured as the number of base pairs (bp), and a fraction of DNA
which is 1000 bp long is called one kb (1
kilobase pair).
A gene is a part of a DNA molecule that codes for the synthesis of a
specific polypeptide chain through its sequence of nucleotides. Each human
gene extends over 40 kb in general, but we also posses longer genes. A portion
of a human gene - showing 1.5 kb - is drawn in Fig. 31-1.

31-1: DNA sequence with nitrogenous bases inside the double helix. The
complementary base pairs are held together by weak hydrogen bonds. The drawing
is 2-dimensional, whereas reality is 3-dimensional. Thus, the distance between
the two DNA strands is approximately identical at any point along the DNA
spiral. The details are magnified from the promoter zone of the gene.
The entire human
genome on the 24 different chromosomes is estimated to be 3*109 bp long and to contain 105 genes.
Protein synthesis
Each gene has its own
promoter sequence. A promoter sequence is
a particular sequence of A, C, G, and T (Fig. 31-1).
The nuclear enzyme RNA polymerase recognises a particular sequence in the promoter region, and binds to a region
of TATAAT, also called the TATA box of
the promoter region.
Transcription (copying). This
is the copying of the DNA code into a single stranded immature messenger
RNA (mRNA). RNA is ribonucleic acid. In the TATA box, the RNA polymerase transcribes a single stranded copy
of the DNA sequence. The transcription
process (copying) stops at the
end of the gene. RNA is similar to DNA except that it contains ribose instead
of pentose and Uracil (U) instead of T: A
C G U. RNA is usually single stranded. The RNA polymerase activity is
shown in two stages, first with 2 base units and later with 4 (Fig. 31-1).
Splicing. The so-called splicing also takes place inside the cell nucleus (Fig.
31-2). The coding sequences or exons of the immature RNA molecule are cut
and spliced together by enzymes eliminating intervening introns (ie, non-coding sequences).
The final product is called mature
messenger RNA (mRNA).
Diffusion. The mRNA diffuses
through the nuclear membrane into the cytoplasm, where it is bound to
ribosomes (Fig. 31-2).
Ribosomal translation is
programmed protein synthesis. Inside the ribosome the particular sequence of
the mRNA is read, and the particular sequence of nucleotides is build into a
polypeptide (Fig. 31-3). This is the so-called translation process, whereby the amino acids are always linked to
the polypeptide chain in the proper sequence (Fig.
31-2). Following ribosomal translation, proteins are modified by addition
of carbohydrates, cleavage of bonds within the new protein, shortening or
folding. These processes are called post-translational
modification (Fig.

Fig. 31-2: Four steps of
genetic copying from DNA in the nucleus to new protein in the cytoplasm via
The first nucleotides on
the mRNA form a regulatory sequence, and do not code for amino acids. This sequence is also called the 5'untranslated
region (Fig. 31-2, green 5'). The nucleotide sequence in the middle of the
mRNA code for amino acids - the so-called coding
region. The end of the mRNA does not either code for amino acids, and
makes up the 3'untranslated region (Fig.
31-2, green 3').
A codon or triplet code is determined by a base triple (three contiguous nucleotides). A codon
provides information about a certain amino acid to be added into the peptide
chain or for the chain to stop. Three codons in mRNA (UAA, UAG and UGA) are stop
codons (Fig. 31-2). The signals encoded by the codon form the genetic
The amino acids are
carried on small RNA molecules called transfer
RNA (tRNA). Each of these tRNA molecules contains an anticodon consisting of 3 unpaired nucleotides, which carry
complementary bases to the bases on the mRNA. Additionally, each tRNA carries
a specific amino acid for the prolonged polypeptide. There are at least 20
different types of tRNA, each carrying only one amino acid.
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
molecules diffuse from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and into the ribosomes,
where it plays an essential role in the protein synthesis (Fig.
31-3). Every anticodon or base triplet recognizes its complementary codon in the mRNA. The
tRNA deposits its amino acid in the peptide chain.

Fig. 31-3: Increased
protein copying in the ribosomes - ribosomal translation.
DNA replication
In the cells the
nucleotide strands of DNA are separated bit by bit and a special enzyme, DNA
polymerase, synthesizes new DNA. DNA replication is normally an accurate
process at which exact copies of the DNA molecule are made. Still, a 10-30
errors occur in the DNA replication of each body cell every day. Fortunately,
efficient gene reparation processes correct the majority of these errors.
This paragraph deals with 1. Mutations, 2. Genetic disorders, 3. Gene therapy, and 4. Other strategies.
occurring errors in DNA replication are called mutations.
Several types of mutation occurs:
Termination mutations.
Mutations involving stop codons affect the normal polypeptide chain termination. A nucleotide change allows
the insertion of an extra amino acid before termination, or delete one amino
acid from the normal sequence. A typical example is the rare type of a-thalassaemia called Haemoglobin constant Spring. The globin part of normal haemoglobin
consists of two a-
and two b-chains.
In contrast, mutations in the stop codon produce a-chains with many extra amino acids in thalassaemia. Thalassa means sea and originally referred to
the distribution of this particular anaemia along the coastline of the
Mediterranean Sea. Today thalassaemia is found everywhere.
Splicing mutations. When
mutations occur in the DNA sequence, which normally code the splicing enzymes
and thus direct the splicing of introns from RNA, the result may be abnormal
splicing with introns in the final mRNA. Such a mRNA is translated into a
protein molecule, which is abnormal because there is an erratic amino acid in
the polypeptide chain.
Insertion-deletion mutations.
Insertion or deletion of one or more nucleotides in DNA by mutation results in
an abnormal sequence. The gene for a-chains
in haemoglobin is duplicated on both chromosomes
16. Mutations may result in deletion of one or both genes on each
chromosome 16. When all four a-chain
genes are absent, the a-chain
synthesis is impossible and only gamma
4-chains are present. These chains cannot carry oxygen, and infants are
stillborn or die shortly after birth (the new-born is pale and oedematous: hydrops
foetalis). When three genes are deleted, there is anaemia called a-thalassaemia.
When only one or two genes are deleted there is a microcytosis and
polycythaemia called a-thalassaemia
traits (ie, essentially
healthy carriers). Possession of an angiotensin
converting enzyme gene deleter (ACE-D), which delete a 287 bp repeat
sequence in the enzyme, results in high concentrations of circulating
enzyme, and a significantly higher frequency of myocardial infarction in
genotype DD. Deletions in the dystrophin gene of the X chromosome remove
coding sequences, so the muscles are deprived of the cytoskeletal muscle
protein, dystrophin. Dystrophin is
the normal gene product, which is normally linked to the sarcolemma as a
network to the sarcomers. Lack of dystrophin is the cause of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). DMD is a X-linked recessive
disease caused by the defect
dystrophin gene. DMD also occurs spontaneously by mutation in the DMD locus on
the X chromosome (ie, the Xp21 region). There is proximal limb weakness with
pseudohypertrophy of the calves. The suffering boys have to climb up their
legs with their hands, and they have difficulties in walking and running. The
creatine phosphokinase concentration in the plasma is substantially elevated.
Muscle biopsies show phagocytosis, fibre necrosis, and absence of dystrophin,
regeneration, and fatty patches. Exercise helps to preserve muscle function by
activation of otherwise inactive synergists. The boys usually die before
adolescence (20 years of age).
Point mutations. Substitution of one
nucleotide for another may totally change the codon in a coding sequence. Carcinogens can cause
point mutations in genomic DNA, and if the mutations occur in the coding
region they may be pathogenic. In sickle
cell anaemia a mutation in the b-chain
gene, changes the codon from
GAG to GTG. The codon GAG initiates translation of a polypeptide chain with
glutamic acid and the codon GTG incorporate valin in each of the two b-chains.
The product is a highly unstable b-chain,
which cannot be utilised for oxygen transport. This particular haemoglobin is
called Haemoglobin S or Sickle
cell Haemoglobin. Exposed to low oxygen tensions these
molecules form elongated crystals inside the red cells. The spiked ends of the
crystals rupture the cell membrane leading to haemolysis and sickle cell
anaemia. Sickle cell anaemia is the
homozygous state, where both genes are abnormal (HbSS), whereas sickle
cell trait is the heterozygous
state (HbAS), with only one chromosome carrying the abnormal gene. The disease
(HbSS) manifests itself at about 6 months of age, where the concentration of
haemoglobin F decreases towards adult levels.
Different degrees of b-thalassaemia also occur following point
mutations. The b-chains
are not produced or produced to a limited extent, whereas there is an excess
of a-chains.
The precipitation of a-chains
causes haemolysis of erythroblasts and erythrocytes and inefficient
erythropoiesis. Homozygous b-thalassaemia cases have no b-chains
or too few (b+).
In heterozygous b-thalassaemia there may be a mild anaemia
and usually symptomless microcytosis.
Genetic diseases
Genetic disorders are
classified into 2.1. chromosomal, 2.2.
Single gene defects, and 2.3. Multifactorial disorders
Chromosomal defects.
a chromosome fail to separate during meiosis, the ovum or sperm gets an extra
chromosome and become trisomic, or no chromosome and become monosomic. Sex
chromosome trisomy (XXY) is
called Klinefelter's syndrome. Sex
chromosome monosomy (only one X and no Y) is called Turner's syndrome (Chapter 29).
Single gene defects.
Each diploid cell
contains two copies of all autosomes. If one of the two copies has a mutation
and the normally produced protein cannot compensate, then an autosomal
dominant disorder occurs. Examples are achondroplasia,
porphyria, a1-antitrypsin
deficiency, Huntingtons's chorea, and von Willebrand's disease.
When both chromosomes
carry the mutated gene, an autosomal recessive disorder appear. This is not
the case when only one mutated gene is present. These patients are
heterozygous for the mutated gene and thus unaffected healthy carriers.
Examples are mucoviscidosis or cystic fibrosis, Wilson's disease, and many other inborn errors of
Pancreatic cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis)
This is a recessive
genetic defect with dysfunction of exocrine glands.Cystic fibrosis is an autosomally recessive genetic disorder caused by a cystic fibrosis
gene. There is a gene mutation in chromosome 7, which result in a defect in a
regulator protein (Cystic Fibrosis
Transmembrane Conductance Regulator, CFTR) - a defect b-adrenergic
gated chloride-channel. The defective chloride-channel fails to open in
response to an increase in intracellular cAMP in the pancreatic ducts, the
airways and the sweat glands. The patients have a minimal chloride excretion.
The decreased excretion of chloride and increased reabsorption of Na+ and water produce a small viscoid secretion that closes and dilatates the duct
systems. Finally, the ducts are destroyed (ie, chronic respiratory disease and
pancreatic insufficiency). Fully manifested cases suffer from defect mucous
secretion (mucoviscidosis) with
chronic respiratory disease, cystic pancreatic fibrosis with pancreatic
insufficiency, and abnormally high [NaCl] in sweat.
life-threatening condition is thus a genetic defect in the b-adrenergic-gated Cl--channels of the glands in the airways,
the pancreas, and in the sweat glands.
disorders result in chronic hypoxia with finger
failure with lack of digestive enzymes results in steatorrhoea and cholesterol
A sweat test resulting in a Na+-concentration
above 60 mM in the sweat is strongly indicative of cystic fibrosis.
fibrosis is treated with amiloride, which
block the ductal Na+- reabsorption, or with ATP, which stimulates
Cl--secretion by a pathway different from the missing cAMP.
some cases of cystic fibrosis, with severe pulmonary insufficiency, lung
transplantations have been performed successfully.
Albinism (AMELANOSIS) is
inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder of melanin synthesis. The
biosynthesis of the enzyme tyrosinase is defective, which results in lack of
melanin. Amelanosis is manifest by white hair, pink-white skin, blue eyes and
Phenylketonuria (PKU) is also an autosomal recessive disorder. There is a defect conversion of
phenylalanine to tyrosine and thus hypopigmentation. The genetic defect
results in lack of the enzyme phenylalanine 4-hydroxylase. PKU must be
diagnosed and treated soon after birth in order to avoid severe mental
retardation. PKU patients almost never reproduce. PKU occurs once in 25000
live births in the population.
Carbohydrate malabsorption:
The most common chronic
disorder in humans is lactose
malabsorption or hypolactasia (lactose-induced
diarrhoea or lactose intolerance), which is due to a genetically deficiency of lactase in the brush-border of the
duodeno-jejunal enterocytes. More than 50% of all adults in the world are
lactose intolerant. Infants with the rare congenital lactase intolerance are borne without lactase in their brush border. They
develop diarrhoea, when they are breast-fed. This can result in a life
threatening dehydration. The amount of lactose entering the colon determines
the size of the osmotic diarrhoea.
Milk made from Soya beans and fructose is well tolerated.
Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency is
an autosomal recessive genetic condition with sucrose intolerance. This
disorder is found in 10% of Eskimos (Inuits), which is not surprising, since
they must have lived for thousands of years of a natural diet without sucrose.
Glucose-galactose malabsorption is
a rare genetic disorder caused by a defect in the brush border system for
glucose and galactose absorption (GLUT-5). Fructose is well tolerated.
Multifactorial gene defects.
These disorders involve
many genes and often also environmental factors. Examples are congenital
pyloric stenosis, asthma, hypertension, schizophrenia, congenital heart
disease and genetic cancer.
Cancer is often
multifactorial. Cancer arises from only a single cell, which suddenly starts
to proliferate out of control. Oncogenes encode proteins that normally are involved in cellular proliferation and
enhance cellular growth.
Tumour suppressor genes suppress undue cellular proliferation. Mutations in the normal RB
gene result in retino-blastoma.
Mutations in the normal p53
gene may lead to brain tumours, carcinomas of the breast and lungs,
osteosarcomas, colon carcinomas and leukaemia. A nuclear phosphoprotein
(53-kDa) encoded by p53, is involved in DNA repair and synthesis. In many
cases of different cancer types there is a secondary mutation of the p53 allele.
Gene therapy
Gene therapy is the
application of gene transfer (RNA or DNA delivery to cells) in an attempt to
treat genetic or acquired disorders. The transferred DNA must contain promoter
zones for transcription and the protein-coding region of the gene.
Insertion of DNA into
cells is performed with a large number of techniques, among which
plasmid-based (plasmid mixed with lipid micelles), and virus-based
(retrovirus, adenovirus, herpes simplex virus) vectors are the most effective.
The most widely used vehicle is genetically engineered retrovirus from the
Moloney murine leukaemia retrovirus.
Retroviruses can cause cancer, when they infect a cell and activate resting or
proto-onchogenes. Retrovirus may also be used in future gene therapy, as
described in the following:
1. A
normal gene, which can activate the immunodefence system, is placed inside a
manipulated, pacified retrovirus (Fig. 31-4).

Fig. 31-4: Gene therapy of
Cancer cells, removed from the tumour of a patient, are cultured in vitro and
infected with the retrovirus carrying the normal gene.
Selected cells from the culture are implanted in the cancer tumour of the
patient, where the retrovirus attacks some of the cancer cells.
The immune-activating genes signal to the immune defence system to forward
lymphocytes. The lymphocytes enter the cancer cells and destroy them (Fig.
4. Other strategies are the following:
Retrovirus is also used
for gene transfer of the cytokine,
interleukin-2 and of tumour necrosis
factor, in attempts to support the immune response to cancer.
Bone marrow cells from a
patient with b-thalassaemia are infected with a pacified
retrovirus carrying a normal human b-globin gene. Hereby, cells capable of normal erythropoiesis can replace
a sufficient number of abnormal bone marrow cells.
Low density lipoprotein
(LDL) receptor deficiency causes
hereditary hypercholesterolaemia. Insertion of the normal gene for the LDL- receptor into the patients’ abnormal hepatocytes may have
beneficial effect.
Gene transfer can also
result in the production of a cell membrane protein, such as the chloride-channel transmembrane regulator gene that
has mutated in cystic fibrosis. This is transferred to pulmonary cells by
aerosol technique or by vectorial insertion into the target cells.
Equation for Gene Frequency Calculation
the absence of mutation and random genetic drift, genotypes in a population of
random mating will be given by the equation:
31-1: (p + q)2 = 1 or
expanded: (p2 + q2 + 2pq) =1,
where p is the frequency of the normal gene in
the population, and q is the frequency
of the abnormal gene. Obviously, p2 is the frequency of the normal homozygote, q2 is the frequency of the abnormal homozygote (all affected by the
abnormality), and 2pq is the
frequency of healthy carriers. Note that (p + q) is 1.
This is the Hardy-Weinberg theorem,
which is used to calculate the frequency of abnormal genes in the total gene
pool of a population.
Choice Questions
of the following 5 statements have True/False options:
Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an autosomal dominant disorder.
B. Inside the ribosome the particular sequence of the mRNA is read, and
the particular sequence of nucleotides is build into a polypeptide.
Sex chromosome trisomy (XXX) is called Klinefelter's syndrome.
When carcinogens cause point mutations in genomic DNA inside the coding
region, they are often pathogenic.
E. The
first nucleotides on the mRNA form a regulatory sequence is called the 5’untranslated
region, and does not code for amino acids.
History A
female and a male, who plan to have children, want advice concerning a certain
genetic disease. The incidence of the recessive disease is 10-4 in
the population.
is the frequency of the recessive gene occurring in one human being?
History B
newborn girl suffers from almost continuous coughing. The mother contacts her
doctor, who - at the third consultation - suspects cystic fibrosis and arrange
a sweat test to be performed. Pilocarpine iontophoresis facilitates the
collection of sweat. The NaCl concentration in sweat is found to be 70 mM,
which is several fold the normal value. The patient suffers from
bronchopulmonary infection with mucoviscidosis of the exocrine gland ducts,
malabsorption, fatty stools (steatorrhoea), and deficiency of fat soluble
vitamins (A, D, K). - The incidence of cystic fibrosis is approximately 1 out
of 1600 live births.
What is cystic fibrosis?
2. Calculate the frequency of the
abnormal cystic fibrosis gene.
3. Calculate the frequency of the
normal homozygote.
4. Calculate the frequency of the
heterozygous carrier of cystic fibrosis.
History C
female, whose father is an albino, plan to marry a male albino (genotype aa).
They wish to know the probability of having albino children and albino
What is albinism?
2. What are the probability of having
an albino child?
3. What are the probability of having
albino carriers among their children?
History D
brother of a Phenylketonuria (PKU) patient seeks genetic advice before
marriage. The brother is normal and cases of PKU are excluded for generations
in the family of the female.
1. What
is PKU?
2. What are the probability that
the brother is heterozygous or normal?
3. What are the probability of
the couple having a PKU child?
4. PKU patients rarely reproduce.
How can the gene persist in the population?
History E
3-year-old boy has difficulty in standing and walking. It is particularly
difficult for him to reach the standing position from the floor, and he has to
climb up his legs with his hands. The thighs of the boy are abnormally thin,
but the calves are muscular and almost hypertrophic. The creatine
phosphokinase concentration in the plasma is 100 times the normal level. –
The mother of the boy had a brother, who died at the age of 20 by the same
1. What
is the diagnosis?
Why are the creatine phosphokinase in plasma elevated?
Why are such disorders confined to boys?
Explain the hypertrophy of the calves.
What are the risk that the sister to a boy with this muscular disease gets a
child with manifest muscular disease?
to solve the problems before looking up the answers.
· Nuclear
DNA is the dominant controller of protein synthesis in the ribosomes. The
codes of special enzymes and other proteins are based on at least 20 amino
acids arranged in sequence.
· The
nucleus contains a nucleolus and the chromatin network. Chromatin is DNA
molecules rolled up in a pearl chain structure with proteins called
consists of two nucleotide strands twisted around each other to form the
so-called double helix, which can be several cm in length. The double helix is
folded to form chromosomes with a
length of approximately 10 mm.
· The
human body cell contains 46 chromosomes in a normal nucleus. Females have two X-chromosomes and two sets of 22 autosomes, whereas males have one X- and
one Y-chromosome plus two sets of 22 autosomes.
· The
entire human genome on the 24 different chromosomes is estimated to be 3 109 bp long and to contain 105 genes.
· Dystrophin
is the normal gene product, which is normally linked to the sarcolemma as a
network to the sarcomers. Lack of dystrophin is the cause of Duchenne Muscular
Dystrophy (DMD). DMD is a X-linked recessive disease in boys caused by the
defect dystrophin gene.
· Sickle
cell anaemia is the homozygous state, where both genes are abnormal (HbSS),
whereas sickle cell trait is the heterozygous state (HbAS), with only one
chromosome carrying the abnormal gene. The disease (HbSS) manifests itself at
about 6 months of age, where the concentration of haemoglobin F decreases
towards adult levels.
· Homozygous b-thalassaemia
have no b-chains
or too few (b+).
In heterozygous b-thalassaemia
there may be a mild anaemia and usually symptomless microcytosis.
· Each
diploid cell contains two copies of all autosomes. If one of the two copies
has a mutation and the normally produced protein cannot compensate, then an
autosomal dominant disorder occurs. Examples are achondroplasia, porphyria, a1-antitrypsin
deficiency, Huntingtons's chorea, and von Willebrand's disease.
· When
both chromosomes carry the mutated gene, the autosomal recessive disorders
appear. This is not the case when only one mutated gene is present. These
patients are heterozygous for the mutated gene and thus unaffected healthy
carriers. Examples are mucoviscidosis or cystic fibrosis, Wilson's disease,
and many other inborn errors of metabolism.
· Pancreatic
cystic fibrosis is a recessive genetic disease caused by dysfunction of
exocrine glands. The defect is in a transmembrane regulator protein called the
cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). The CFTR represents a b-adrenergic
gated chloride channel, which is normally opened by elevated intracellular
· The
cystic fibrosis patients have a minimal chloride excretion and thus as minimal
excretion of salt and water into the duct systems. This is what makes all
exocrine secretions viscid, the duct systems are occluded and dilatated;
finally the ducts are destroyed (ie, chronic respiratory disease and
pancreatic insufficiency).
· Albinism
(AMELANOSIS) is inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder of melanin
synthesis. The biosynthesis of the enzyme tyrosinase is defective, which
results in lack of melanin. Amelanosis is manifest by white hair, pink-white
skin, blue eyes and photophobia.
· Phenylketonuria
(PKU) is also an autosomal recessive disorder. There is a defect conversion of
phenylalanine to tyrosine and thus hypopigmentation. The genetic defect
results in lack of the enzyme phenylalanine 4-hydroxylase. PKU must be
diagnosed and treated soon after birth in order to avoid severe mental
retardation. PKU patients almost never reproduce. PKU occurs once in 25 000
live births in the population.
· Multifactorial
gene defects. These disorders involve many genes and often also environmental
factors. Examples are congenital pyloric stenosis, asthma, hypertension,
schizophrenia, congenital heart disease and cancer.
· Genetic
cancer is often multifactorial. Cancer arises from only a single cell, which
suddenly starts to proliferate out of control. Oncogenes encode proteins that
normally are involved in cellular proliferation and enhance cellular growth.
· Tumour
suppressor genes suppress undue cellular proliferation. Mutations in the
normal RB gene result in retino-blastoma.
· Gene
transfer can result in the production of a cell membrane protein, such as the
chloride-channel transmembrane regulator gene that has mutated in cystic
fibrosis. This is transferred to pulmonary cells by aerosol technique or by
vectorial insertion into the target cells.
Further Reading
Nature. Weekly journal published by
Macmillan Magazines Ltd, Porters South, 4 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW, UK.
LB, Carey JC, Bamshead MJ and RL White. Medical
Genetics. 4th Ed. Mosby, St Louis, 2009,
American. - Example: Verma,
IM: Gene therapy. Sci Am pp 68-72,
81, 82, 84. Nov 1990.
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