1. Paulev, P.-E. Pressure tests on submariners, divers and hospital personel. J. of the Royal Naval Medical Service. Spring 1965.
2. Paulev, P.-E. Decompression sickness following repeated breath-hold dives. J.Appl.Physiol., 20: 1028-1031, 1965.
3. Paulev, P.-E. Decompression sickness following repeated breath-hold dives. In: Physiology of Breath-hold Diving and the Ama of Japan, edited by: H.Rahn and T. Yokoyama, Washington D.C.: National Academy of Sciences -National Research Council, Publ. 1341, p.221-226. 1965.
4. Paulev, P.-E. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Danish Medical Bulletin, 13:49-57, 1966.
5. Paulev, P.-E. & Inge Dahn Limb blood flow during breath-holding. Acta physiol. scand., Suppl. 277, 68: 37, 1966.
6. Madsen, Joop & Paulev, P.-E. Journées internationales d'hyperbaric et de physiologie subaquatique Referat. Nordisk Medicin, 78: 1488-1489, 1967.
7. Paulev, P.-E. & N. Næraa Hypoxia and carbon dioxide retention following breath-hold diving. J.Appl.Physiol., 22: 436- 440, 1967.
8. Paulev, P.-E. Nitrogen tissue tensions following repeated breath- hold dives. J. Appl. Physiol., 22: 714-718, 1967
9. Paulev, P.-E. Cardiac rhythm during breath-holding and water immersion in man. Acta Physiol. Scand., 73: 139-150, 1968.
10. Paulev, P.-E. Impaired consciousness during breath-hold diving and breath-holding in air. La Revue de Médecine, Paris, 1:16-20, 1968.
11. Paulev, P.-E. & H.Wetterquist Cardiac output during voluntary apnea in man. Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest., 22:115-23, 1968.
12. Paulev, P.-E. Disputats, Københavns Universitet, 1969. Respiratory and Cardiovascular Effects of Breath-Holding. Acta Physiol. Scand., Suppl. 324, 1969.
13. Nissen, O.I., Å. Galskov & Paulev, P.-E. Method for direct measurement of blood flow in superficial and deep drainage area of cat kidney. IV Int.Congr. Nephrol., p.3, 1969.
14. Paulev, P.-E. Farvebilledsystem til pædagogisk brug. Nordisk Medicin 3 VIIU bind 82, nr. 27, p.834, 1969.
15. Paulev, P.-E. & Joop Madsen The fourth Symposium on Underwater Physiology. Referat. Nordisk Medicin, 82: 1511-1513, 1969.
1970 Opbygning af studiesekretariat med programmeret undervisningsadministration for fysiologi. 1970-71.
16. Paulev, P.-E. & C. Cicak Cardioventilatory responses to electrical stimulation of the femoral nerve in man. Proceedings of the International Union of Physiological Sciences. Vol. IX, p. 443, 1971.
17. Paulev, P.-E. Respiratory and cardiac responses to exercise in man. J. Appl. Physiol., 30: 165-172, 1971.
18. Jakobsen, Inge & Paulev, P.-E. A computer questionnaire for use in education. British J. Med. Education., 5: 217- 219, 1971
19. Paulev, P.-E. & D.M. Cicak Cardio-Ventilatory Response to Electrical Stimulation of the Femoral Nerve in Man. In: Onset of Exercise, edited by A. Gilbert and P. Guille, Délégati Générale de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique, Centre d'Hemotypologie - C.H.U. Purpan - Toulouse (France) p.19, 1972.
20. Paulev, P.-E. & H.G. Hansen The cardiac response to apnea and water immersion during exercise in man. J. Appl. Physiol., 33 (2): 193-198, 1972.
21. Madsen, Joop & Paulev, P.-E. 5th Symposium on Underwater Physiol. British Bahamas, 20.-25. VIII, 1972 Ugeskrift for Læger, 134/44: 235-236, 1972.
22. Nielsen, S.L. & Paulev, P.-E. A simple water plethysmograph with standardized sleeves. Scand. J. clin. Lab. Invest, 29: 127-242, 1972.
23. Paulev, P.-E. & Else Stibolt Jensen Cardiac Rate and Ventilatory Volume Rate Reactions to a Muscle Contraction. J. Appl Physiol., 34: 578-583, 1973.
24. Paulev, P.-E. & J.F. Pedersen with technical assistance from J.F. Nielsen, A. Northeved and G.B.Sørensen Myocardial contraction velocity and acceleration in man measured by ultrasound echocardiography differentiation. Cardiovascular Research, 7: 266-276, 1973.
25. Galbo, Henrik & Paulev, P.-E. with technical assistance of F.Neumann and P.C. Pedersen Cardiac Echo-Differentiatiation (CED) evaluated with phonocardiography. J. Clin. Ultrasound, 1:41- 51, 1973.
26. Paulev, P.-E., Jan Fog Pedersen & Flemming Neumann Myocardie-Contraction Velocity Measured by Ultrasound Echocardiography-Differentiation and Evaluated by Left Ventricular Pressures in Pigs. Cardiovascular Research, 7:277-281, 1973.
27. Paulev, P.-E. Respiratory and cardiovascular effects of breath- holding. Acta physiol.scand., Suppl. 324:1-116,1969. In: Underwater Medicine and related Sciences. Edited by C.W. Shilling & M.F. Wertz IFI/PLENUM. New York, Washington, London, p. 317, 1973.
28. Paulev, P.-E., Flemming Neumann & Steen Levin Nielsen Strain Gauge Versus Water Plethysmography. Med & Biol. Engineering. July: 437-445, 1974.
29. Galbo, Henrik & Paulev, P.-E. Cardiac function during rest and supine cycling examined with a new non-invasive technique. J. Appl. Physiol., 36: 113-117, 1974.
30. Galbo, Henrik & Paulev, P.-E. Akut myokardie-infarkt bedømt med ultralydteknik. Ugeskrift for Læger, 136: 9-14, 1974.
31. Kornum, L.O., L. Bjørnø, P. Krag, C.H. Nielsen & Paulev, P.-E. Tensile Strenght of Gas Saturated Biological Liquids Exposed to Successive High Pressures. Abstracts from Meeting of the Scandinavian Physiological Society in Copenhagen. April 25-26, 1975.
32. Bjørnø, L., O. Kornum, P.Krag & Paulev, P.-E. Bubble Formation in Biological Liquids at Low Rates of Pressure Decrease. Acustica 34: 117-119, 1975.
33. Paulev, P.-E. Problemer og fortolkninger i medicinsk fysiologi. Lærebog. Pp. 1-200. FADL's forlag, København, Odense, Århus, 1976. Supplement. Pp.1-67.
34. Døssing, M., N. Gerdes & Paulev, P.-E. Local blood flow, pressure and resistance measured with strain gauge plethysmograph in limbs with constricting burns before and following treatment with incisional decompression. Burns 2:226- 237, 1976.
35. Bjørnø, L., L.O. Kornum, P.Krag, C.-H. Nielsen & Paulev, P.-E. A method for measurement of the bubble formation threshold in biological liquids. Undersea Biomedical Research, vol 4, no 2, June 1977.
36. Paulev, P.-E. Medicinsk fysiologi. Spørgsmål og svar. Bd. 2 og 3. Lærebog. Pp. 201-1169. (Problemer og fortolkning i medicinsk fysiologi er bd. 1). FADL's forlag, København, Odense, Aarhus, 1977.
37. Paulev, P.-E., Paul Solgaard & Jens Christian Tjell Interlaboratory Comparison of Lead and Cadmium in Blood, Urine and Aqueous Solutions. Clinical Chemistry 24:1797-1800, 1978.
38. Paulev, P.-E. Løb for dit liv - men gør det afslappet. Chr. Erichsens forlag, Pp. 1-116, 1978.
39. Paulev, P.-E., C.Gry & M. Døssing Motor Nerve Conduction Velocity in Asymptomatic Lead Workers. Int. Arch, Occup. Environ. Health 43:37-43, 1979.
40. Paulev, P.-E. LØB - for den trænede. Chr. Erichsens forlag, Pp. 1-110, 1979.
41. Paulev, P.-E. Sundhedsrisici ved aerosol driv- og opløsningsmidler. Rapport til Miljøstyrelsen, København 1980.
42. Paulev, P.-E. Jern og muskelaktivitet. Therapia HÄssle, maj 1980.
43. Paulev, P.-E. a) Løb langsomt - med fornuft Ugeskrift for Læger 142/7, 1980. b) Er Idræt og motion kun gavnligt? (leder) Ugeskrift for Læger 142/30, 1980.
44. Paulev, P.-E. Kan de olympiske lege fortsætte i samme form? Focus Idræt nr. 1 5. årgang, 1980.
45. Døssing, M. & Paulev, P.-E. Does smoking influence the lead body burden in workers? Danish Medical Bulletin. 27 (1):55-58, 1980.
46. Paulev, P.-E. 918 børn skadet i skolernes gymnastiktimer. Focus Idræt nr 2, 5. årgang 1980.
47. Buchardt, O. & Paulev, P.-E. Helse- og miljø-effekter af opløsningsmidler og drivmidler i aerosolbeholdere. Nordisk Ministerråds Projekt nr. 180.2 -6.8, 1981.
48. Paulev, P.-E. Trampolinstop. Ugeskrift for Læger 143/28: 1776-77, 1981.
49. Hansen, J.P.B., Døssing, M. & Paulev, P.-E. Chelatable lead body burden (by calcium-disodium EDTA) and blood lead concentration in man. J. Occup. Med. 23 (1): 39-43, 1981.
50. Hammer, A., Schwartzbach, A.-L. & Paulev, P.-E. Trampoline training injuries - one hundred and ninety-five cases. Brit. J. Sports Med. 15 (3):151-158, 1981.
51. Bjældager, P., Jensen, H, Ærenlund, Larsen E., Lauritsen, O.S., Paulev, P.-E., Tjur, T. & Uldall, A. Inter laboratory comparison of acid-base variables in human blood and in quality control materials. Clin. Chem. Acta. 115 (3):289-300, 1981.
52. Hammer, A., Schwartzbach, A.-L. & Paulev, P.-E. Children in- jured during physical education lessons - nine hundred and eighteen cases. J. Sports Med, and Phys. Fitness. 21(4):423-431, 1981.
53. Hunding, A., Jordal, R. & Paulev, P.-E. Runner's Anemia and Iron Deficiency. Acta Med. Scand. 209:315-318, 1981.
54. Paulev, P.-E. Kan læger og forældre forebygge idrætsskader?. Månedsskrift for Praktisk Lægegerning. Januar: 20-30, 1981
59. Schwartzbach, A.-L., Hammer, A. & Paulev, P.-E. Orientering vedr. trampolinspring. Ugeskrift for Læger 143:556-557, 1981.
56. Schwartzbach, A.-L., Hammer, A., & Paulev, P.-E. Hvordan skoleidrætsskader blev til trampolinstop i skolerne. Skole og Samfund. 4: 6-12, 1981.
57. Hammer, A., Schwartzbach, A.-L., & Paulev, P.-E. Some risk factors in trampolining illustrated by six serious injuries. Br. J. Sports Med. 16 (1):27-32, 1982.
58. Nørregaard-Hansen, K.J. Bjerre-Knudsen, U. Brodthagen, R.Jordal & Paulev, P.-E. Muscle Cell Leakage Due to Long Distance Training. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 48:177-188, 1982.
59. Schwartzbach, Anne-Louise, Paulev, P.-E. & Anders Hammer Permanent trampolinstop. Ugeskrift for Læger 144/8: 564, 1982.
60. Bjerre-Knudsen, J., Brodthagen, U., Gormsen J., Jordal, R., Nørregaard-Hansen, K & Paulev, P.-E. Platelet function and fibrinolytic activity following distance running. Scand. J. Haematol. 29:425-430, 1982.
61. Paulev, P.-E., Kroppen - sådan fungerer den. Bogan Pp. 1-148. København, 1983. ISBN 87-87533-89-8.
62. Krebs, H.-J., & Paulev, P.-E. Løsningsforslag til essay- og spørgsmålsprøven i skriftlig fysiologi 1980-1983. Krebs, København, 1983. ISBN 87-981473-0-7.
63. Paulev, P.-E., Jordal, R. & Pedersen, N. Strandberg. Dermal excretion of iron in intensely training athletes. Clin. Chem. Acta. 127:19-27. 1983.
64. Paulev, P.-E., & Hunding, A. Måling af den maximale iltoptagelse ud fra hastigheden ved stabilt løb. Focus Idræt, 7. årgang nr. 5: 201- 203, juni 1983. ISBN 0105 1237.
65. Døssing, M., L & Paulev, P.-E. Blood- and air-lead concentrations during five years if occupational exposure: The effectiveness of an occupational hygiene programme and problems due to welding operations. Ann. occup. Hyg. 27 (4):367-372, 1983.
66. Paulev, P.-E. Exercise and risk factors for arteriosclerosis in 42 married couples followed over 4 years. J.Chronic Diseases Maj, 37(7):547-553, 1984.
67. Grove M., Gerner C., Boel J., Paulev, P.-E. Styrketræning og anabole steroider. Månedsskrift for praktisk lægegerning, September: 511-517, 1984.
68. Paulev, P.-E.,Jordal R., Kristensen O., Ladefoged J. Therapeutic effect of exercise on hypertension. Europ. J.Appl. Physiol. 53: 180-185, 1984.
69. Paulev, P.-E.,Jordal R., Kristensen O., Ladefoged J. Therapeutisk motion ved essentiel hypertensio arterialis. Månedsskrift for praktisk lægegerning, Juli: 393-396, 1984.
70. Paulev, P.-E., Boel, J., Gerner C., Grove M., Victor M.A. Har amfetaminer effekt på atletiske præstationer? Månedsskrift for praktisk lægegerning, November: 675-678, 1984.
71. Paulev, P.-E., Boel J., Gerner C., Grove M., Victor M.A. Blod- doping - fup eller fakta. Månedsskrift for praktisk lægegerning, November: 679-682, 1984.
72. Paulev, P.-E. Doping betragtet som eufomani. Månedsskrift for praktisk lægegerning, November: 683-684, 1984.
73. Nielsen U., Kruse P., Ladefoged J., Paulev, P.-E., Sørensen J.P. Virker blodtrykssænkende stoffer på præcisionen ved pistolskydning? Dansk Idræt 23:14-15, 1984.
74. Nielsen U., Kruse P., Paulev, P.-E. Det svage køn Idrætsliv (Dansk Idrætsforbund) September 1985.
75. Thorbøll J., Kruse P., Nielsen U.,Paulev, P.-E. Er skytternes helbred for dårligt? DANSK IDRÆT, Oktober NR. 2, 1985.
76. Brodthagen U.A., Nørregaard Hansen K., Bjerre Knudsen J., Jordal R., Kristensen O., Paulev, P.-E. Red cell 2,3-DPG, ATP, and mean cell volume in highly trained athletes. Effect of long term submaximal exercise. Europ. J. Appl. Physiol. 53: 334-338, 1985.
77. Kruse P.,Paulev, P.-E., Nielsen U. Introduktionskursus i brugervenlig EDB for medicinere. Kursus-hæfte. RECKU-INFOMEDIC, Vermundsgade 5, 2100 København Ø. 1.udgave april, 2. udgave sept. og 3. udgave nov. l985. 4.udgave 1986.
78. Kruse P., Ladefoged J., Nielsen U., Paulev, P.-E., Sørensen J.P. Beta-blockade used in precision sports. The effect on pistol shooting performance. J. Appl. Physiol. 61(2):417-420, 1986.
79. Kruse P., Paulev, P.-E., Nielsen U. Brug af datacenter i forskningen -Et alternativ til den lokale microdatamat. Ugeskrift for læger, 148/51: 3458-3460, 1986.
80. Paulev, P.-E., Thale M. Workshop on decompression sickness. Tokyo, Japan. Ugeskrift for læger 148/48: 3232-3233, 1986.
81. Paulev, P.-E., Thale M. 9th International Symposium on Underwater and Hyperbaric Physiology. Kobe. Japan. Ugeskrift for læger 149/1: 27, 1987.
82. Kruse P.,Paulev, P.-E., Jordal R., Nielsen U. Jern og arbejdskapacitet. THERAPIA HäSSLE, Nr. 1, 2-5, 1987.
83. Bjældager, P.A.L., Christiansen, E., Jensen, H.Ærenlund & Paulev, P.-E. Improved effect of hemodialysis on acidemic patients from an acetate concentration of 38 mmol/l. Nephron 27 (3): 142-145, 1987.
84. Paulev, P.-E., Jordal R., Juul Nielsen O. Anæmi og infektionstil-stande. Anemia of chronic disorders. (ACD). THERAPIA HäSSLE, NR. 4: 9-10, 1987.
85. Paulev, P.-E., Jordal R., Thorbøll J., Vejlstrup N. Jernmangel under graviditet og lactation. THERAPIA HäSSLE Nr 5:10-13, 1987.
86. Paulev, P.-E., Honda, Y., Sakakibara, Y., Morikawa, T., Tanaka, Y., Nakamura, W., Nakazono, Y., and Miyamoto, Y. Respiratory and cardiac response to dynamic exercise in man. Jpn. J. Physiol. 38:375-386, 1988.
87. Johansen, K., Elling, F., and Paulev, P.-E. Ductus arteriosus in pilot whales. Jpn.J. Physiol. 38: 387-392, 1988.
88. Paulev, P.-E.,Honda, Y., Sakakibara, Y., Morikawa, T., Tanaka,Y. and Nakamura, W. Brady- and tachycardia in light of the Valsalva and the Mueller maneuver (Apnea). Jpn. J. Physiol. 38:507-517, 1988.
89. Masuda, A., Paulev, P.-E.,Sakakibara,Y., Ahn, B., Takaishi, S., Pokorski, M., Nishibayashi, Y. and Honda, Y. Estimation of Peripheral Chemoreceptor Contribution to Exercise Hyperpnea in Man. Jpn. J. Physiol. 38: 607-618, 1988.
90. Paulev, P.-E., Thorbøll, Jens E., Nielsen, Ulla, Kruse, Peter, Jordal, R. Bach, F.W., Fenger, M., and Pokorski, M. Opioid involvement in the perception of pain due to endurance exercise in trained man. Jpn. J. Physiol. 39:67-74, 1989.
91. Glogowska, M.,Paulev, P.-E., and Pokorski, M. Medullary respiratory neurons with projections to the ventral surface of the medulla in the guinea pig. In: Proceedings for the IUPS Satellite Symposium "Chemoreceptors and Chemoreceptor Reflexes" p.30. Warsaw July 1989.
92. Pokorski, M., Masuda, A., Paulev, P.-E., Sakakibara, Y., Ahn, B., Takaishi, S. and Honda, Y. Importance of arterial chemoreceptors for cardio- respiratory responses to static exercise in man. In: Proceedings for the IUPS Satellite Symposium "Chemoreceptors and Chemoreceptor Reflexes" p.76-77. Warsaw July 1989.
93. Ahn, B., Nishibayashi, Y., Okita, S., Masuda, A., Takaishi, S., Paulev, P.-E. and Honda, Y. Heart rate response to breath holding with supramaximal exercise. Europ. J. Appl. Physiol. and Occup, Physiol. 59: 146-151, 1989.
94. Honda, Y., Ahn, B., Nishibayashi, Y., Okita, S., Masuda, A., Takaishi, S. and Paulev, P.-E. Possible involvement of peripheral chemoreceptor mechanism in bradycardia observed during breath holding with supramaximal exercise. In: Proceedings for the IUPS Satellite Symposium "Chemoreceptors and Chemoreceptor Reflexes" p.44-45. Warsaw July 1989.
95. Miyamoto, Y., Mussell, M.J., Nakazono, Y., Paulev, P.-E., and Sugawara, T. Carbon dioxide in human respiratory control: Exercise compared to inhalation. In: Proceedings of the Physiol. Soc. Meeting at Univ. of Oxford, July 1-2, 178P, J.Physiol. (London) 1989.
96. Glogowska, M., Paulev, P.-E. Effects of hypoxia on breathing in the guinea pig. In: Proceedings for the IUPS Satellite Symposium "Chemoreceptors and Chemoreceptor Reflexes" P. 29. Warsaw Poland July, 1989.
97. Paulev, P.-E., Miyamoto, Y., Mussell, M.J., Nakazono, Y., Pokorski, M. and Sugawara, T. Transient ventilatory responses to carbon dioxide inhalation and to exercise in man. In: Proceedings for the IUPS Satellite Symposium "Chemoreceptors and Chemoreceptor Reflexes" p. 65-66. Warsaw Poland July, 1989.
98. Ahn, B., Sakakibara, Y., Paulev, P.-E., Masuda, A., Nishibayashi, Y., Nakamura, W. and Honda, Y. Circulatory and respiratory responses to lower body negative pressure in man. Jpn. J. Physiol. 39: 919-930, 1989.
99. Pokorski, M., Paulev, P.-E., Morikawa, T., Masuda, A., Takaishi, A., Ahn, B., and Honda, Y. Carbon dioxide chemoreflex in spinal man. In: Proceedings for the IUPS Satellite Symposium "Chemoreceptors and Chemoreceptor Reflexes" p.75 Warsaw Poland July, 1989.
100. Pokorski, M., Paulev, P.-E. and Glogowska, M. Are central respiratory chemoreceptors confined to ventro-lateral medulla? Materia Medica Polona, Vol. 21 No 4 (72):301- 304, 1989.
101. Paulev, P-E., Pokorski, M., Honda, Y., Morikawa, T., Sakakibara, Y. and Tanaka, Y. Cardiac output and heart rate in man during swimming while breath-holding. Jpn. J.Physiol. 40:117-125, 1990.
102. Pokorski, M., Sakakibara, Y., Masuda, A., Morikawa, T., Ahn, B., Takaishi, S., Paulev, P.-E., and Honda, Y. Cardiac responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia in spinal man. Europ. Heart J. 11: 611- 618, 1990.
103. Honda, Y., Ahn, B., Nishibayashi, Y., Okita, S., Masuda, A., Takaishi, S. and Paulev, P.-E. Possible involvement of peripheral chemoreceptor mechanism in bradycardia observed during breath holding with supramaximal exercise. In: Chemoreceptors and Chemoreceptor Reflexes, ed.H. Acker, A.Trzebski, and R.G. O'Regan. Pp.249-254. Plenum Press, N.Y. & London, 1990.
104. Paulev, P.-E.,Mussell, M.J., Miyamoto, Y., Nakazono, Y. and Sugawara, T. Modeling of alveolar carbon dioxide oscillations with and without exercise. Jpn. J. Physiol. 40 (6):893-905, 1990.
105. Mussell, M.J., Miyamoto, Y., Paulev, P.-E., Nakazono, Y. and Sugawara, T. A constant flux of CO2 injected into the airways mimics metabolic CO2 in exercise. Jpn. J. Physiol. 40 (6):877-891, 1990.
106. Paulev, P.-E., Pokorski, M., Honda, Y., Ahn, B., Masuda, A., Kobayashi, T., Nishibayashi, Y., Sakakibara, T., Tanaka, Y. and Nakamura, W. Facial cold receptors and the survival reflex diving bradycardia in man. Jpn. J. Physiol. 40 (5):701-712, 1990.
107. Pokorski, M., Masuda, A., Paulev, P.-E., Sakakibara, Y., Ahn, B., Takaishi, S., Nishibayashi, Y. and Honda, Y. Ventilatory and cardiovascular responses to hypoxic and hyperoxic static handgrip exercise in man. Resp. Physiol. 81:189-202, 1990.
108. Pokorski, M., Sakakibara, Y., Masuda, A., Morikawa, T., Ahn, B., Takaishi, S., PAULEV, P.-E. and HONDA, Y. Carbon dioxide chemoreflex in spinal man. In: Chemoreceptors and Chemoreceptor Reflexes, ed. H. Acker, A.Trzebski, and R.G. O'Regan. Pp.237-242. Plenum Press, N.Y. & London, 1990.
109. Pokorski, M., Masuda, A., Paulev, P.-E., Sakakibara, Y., Ahn, B., Takaishi, S. and Honda, Y. Importance of arterial chemoreceptors for cardio- respiratory responses to static exercise in man. In: Chemoreceptors and Chemoreceptor Reflexes, ed.H. Acker, A.Trzebski, and R.G. O'Regan. Pp.255-259, Plenum Press, N.Y. & London, 1990.
110. Paulev, P.-E. Essentiel hypertension - et led i et inaktivitetssyndrom. Månedsskr. Prakt. Lægegern., August, Pp. 585-590, 1990.
111. Glogowska, M., Paulev, P.-E., and Pokorski, M. Medullary Respiratory Neurons with Projections to the Ventral Surface of the Medulla in the Guinea Pig. In: Chemoreceptors and Chemoreceptor Reflexes, ed.H. Acker, A.Trzebski, and R.G. O'Regan. Pp.311-316, Plenum Press, N.Y. & London, 1990.
112. Paulev, P.-E., Miyamoto, Y., Mussell, M.J., Nakazono, Y., Pokorski, M. and Sugawara, T. Transient ventilatory responses to carbon dioxide inhalation and to exercise in man. In: Chemoreceptors and Chemoreceptor Reflexes, ed.H. Acker, A.Trzebski, and R.G. O'Regan. Pp.243-249, Plenum Press, N.Y. & London, 1990.
113. Paulev, P.-E Inaktivitetssyndromet contra fysisk aktiv livsførelse. Månedskrift for praktisk lægegerning, Oktober Pp. 721-726, 1990.
114. Paulev, P.-E., Pokorski, M., Masuda, Y.Sakakibara, Y., Honda, Y. Cardiorespiratory reactions to static, isometric exercise in Man. Jpn. J. Physiol. 41 (5):785-795, 1991.
115. Holm, B.,Paulev, P.-E., Honda, Y., Masuda, A., Sakakibara, Y., Ahn, B., Kobayashi, T., Ohdaira, T., and Chen, K. Breath holding and face cooling as a model system for studying age-dependent cardiovascular patterns. 1991 Oxford Conference: 5th Meeting On Control Of Breathing And Its Modelling Perspective: p.125. September 17-19, 1991.
116. Holm B., Paulev, P.-E., Honda Y. Changes in the relation between stroke volume and heart rate with age in man. International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) Meeting in Prague. Proceedings: p.150. June 30 -July 5, 1991.
117. Paulev, P.-E., Mussell, M.J., Miyamoto, Y., and Niizeki Kyuichi. Simulation of the humoral aspects of the cardiopulmonary reactions to exercise by carbon dioxide inhalation. 1991 Oxford Conference: 5th Meeting On Control Of Breathing And Its Modelling Perspective. September 17-19, 1991
118. Pokorski M., Paulev P.-E. and Honda Y. Heart rate responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia in normal men. International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) Meeting in Prague. June 30 - July 5, 1991.
119. Szereda-Przestaszewska M., Paulev P.-E., Glogowska M. and Pokorski K. Endogenous benzodiazepine system and control of respiration. International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) Meeting in Prague. June 30 - July 5, 1991.
120. Paulev, P.-E., Mussell, M.J., Miyamoto, Y., and Niizeki Kyuichi. Simulation of The humoral aspects of the ventilatory reactions to exercise by carbon dioxide inhalation. Proceedings of the 1991 Oxford Conference: 5th Meeting On Control Of Breathing And Its Modelling Perspective: p.31. September 17-19, 1991.
121. Pokorski M., Paulev P.-E. and Honda Y. Heart rate responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia in normal men. International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) Meeting in Prague. Proceedings: p.91. June 30 -July 5, 1991.
122. Szereda-Przestaszewska M., Paulev P.-E., Glogowska M. and Pokorski K. Endogenous benzodiazepine system and control of respiration. International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) Meeting in Prague. Proceedings: p. 98. June 30 - July 5, 1991.
123. Paulev, P.-E. Lærebog Menneskets Kredsløb, Spørgsmål og svar i medicinsk fysiologi. Copenhagen Medical Publishers, ISBN 87-984078-4-8. 1992.
124. Pokorski, M., Paulev, P-E., Honda, Y. Cardiac reflexes and ventilatory responses to isometric, muscular exercise in man. Proceedings. Annual Congress Europ. Resp. Society, Vienna, August 30-Sept. 3, 1992.
125. Szereda-Przestaszewska, M., Paulev, P.-E., Pokorski, M. Hypoventilatory effects of increased CO2 in the laryngeal airway. Proceedings. Annual Congress Europ. Resp. Society, Vienna, August 30-Sept. 3, 1992.
126. Paulev, P.-E., Mussell, M.J., Miyamoto, Y., and Niizeki, K. Humoral aspects of the ventilatory reactions to exercise by flux inhalation of carbon dioxide. In: Control of Breathing and Its Modeling Perspective. Plenum Publishing Corp. N.Y. pp.267-270, 1992.
127. Paulev, P.-E., Holm, B., Honda, Y., Ahn, B., Masuda, A., Kobayashi, T., Nishibayashi, Y., Sakakibara, T., and Tanaka, Y. Cause of essential hypertension. Control of heart rate, stroke volume, and arterial blood pressure during dynamic exercise. Under publ.
128. Paulev, Poul-Erik, Janos Porszasz, William W. Stringer, and Karlman Wasserman. Patterns of hypoxanthine, ammonium ion, and lactate increase in humans as a function of oxygen uptake during exercise. To be published.
129. Paulev, P.-E., Mussell, M.J., Miyamoto, Y., and Niizeki, Kyuichi. Ventilatory responses to exercise combined with constant flux carbon dioxide inhalation. Under publication.
130. Paulev, Poul-Erik, Janos Porszasz, William W. Stringer, and Karlman Wasserman. Lactate accumulation linked to mitochondrial purine degradation in muscle cells during exercise. IUPS Meetings. Session 353, Workshop 97, 107-108, Glasgow, 1.-6- August, 1993.
131. Pokorski, M., P.-E. Paulev, M. Szereda-Przestaszewska. Endogenous benzodiazepine system and regulation of respiration in the cat. Respiration Physiology 0:1-13, 1994.
132. Paulev, P.-E. Questions and Answers in Medical Physiology. W.B. Saunders Co Ltd, London, 1996. ISBN 0-7020-2043-5.
133. Pokorski, M., P.-E. Paulev, and L. Faff. Cannabinoids in the regulation of respiration. XXI Congress of the Polish Physiological Society. J Physiol and Pharmacology. Suppl. 1, vol 50: 121, 1999.
134. Paulev, Poul-Erik (in Polish). Rownovaga kwasowo-zasadowa. Chapter 3 in Kliniczne aspekty regulacji oddychania. Edited and translated from English by Mieczyslawa Pokorskiego. a-medica press. 2001 (ISBN 83-88778-01-3)
135. Paulev, Poul-Erik (in Polish). Mechanica oddychania. Chapter 4 in Kliniczne aspekty regulacji oddychania. Edited and translated from English by Mieczyslawa Pokorskiego. a-medica press. 2001 (ISBN 83-88778-01-3)
136. Paulev, Poul-Erik. Medical Physiology and Pathophysiology. Essentials and Clinical Problems. Online book. Second Edition.Copenhagen Medical Publishers, København, 2001. ISBN 87-984078-05 Updated August 2002.
Bibliography Prof. Zubieta-Calleja
1. Zubieta-Castillo, G., Zubieta-Calleja, R. & Zubieta-Calleja, G. Estudios sobre la circulacion coronaria en la altura. Acta de las Primeras Jornandas de Medicina y Cirugia de la Altura. 4 al 7 de Octubre 1978, La Oroya, Peru.
2. Zubieta-Castillo, G., Zubieta-Calleja, G. & Zubieta-Calleja, R. El consumo de oxigeno en miocardio de perros a 3600 mt y a differentes tensiones de oxigeno. Acta de las primeras Jornadas de Medicina y Cirugia de la altura. 4 al 7 de Octubre de 1978, La Oroya, Peru.
3. Zubieta-Castillo, G & Zubieta-Calleja, G. La Produccion de anhidrido carboncio durante le consumo de oxigeno en miocardio de perros a 3600 mts. primer Congreso Bolviiano de Biologia. 26 al 29 de Abril de 1979. Cochamba, Bolivia.
4. Zubieta-Calleja, G., Zubieta-Castillo, G., Zubieta-Calleja, R. La Produccion de anhidrido carbonico durante el consumo de oxigeno en miocardio de perros a 3600 m. (Abstracto) Primer Congreso Boliviano de Biología, UMSS (ed) pg. 1, 1979.
5. Zubieta-Castillo, G., Zubieta-Calleja, R., Zubieta-Calleja, G. Clasificacion de la eritrocitosis en la altura de acuerdo al nuemor de eritrocitos (Abstracto). Primer Congreso Boliviano de Biología, UMSS (ed) pg. 1, 1979.
6. Zubieta-Calleja, G., Zubieta-Castillo, G., Zubieta-Calleja, R. Clasificacion de la eritrocitosis en la altura de acuerdo al nuemor de eritrocitos (Abstracto). Primer Congreso Boliviano de Biología, UMSS (ed) pg. 1, 1979.
7. Zubieta-Castillo, G. Zubieta-Calleja, G. El mal de Montaña Cronico y los mineros. (Chronic mountain sickness and miners) Cuadernos Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia.62:109-116. 1985.
8. Zubieta-Castillo, G & Zubieta-Calleja, G. Las Enfermedades pulmonares y el mal de montaña cronico. (Pulmonary diseases and chronic mountain sickness). Cuadernos de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia. 68: 3-12, 1986.
9. Zubieta-Castillo, G & Zubieta-Calleja, G. The triple hypoxia syndrome at altitude. American Review of Respiratory Disease. 137:4, pg. 509, 1988.
10. Zubieta-Castillo, G. & Zubieta-Calleja, G. Iatrogenic Disease in a polycythemic patient at altitude. Amer. Rev. of Respir. Dis. 137:4 pg. 509. 1988.
11. Zubieta-Castillo. G & Zubieta-Calleja, G. Hematocrit, PaO2 and PaCo2 changes in a High altitude increased Polycythemic during a 12 year follow up. Amer. Rev. of Respir. Dis, 141:4. Pg. a921, 1990.
12. Zubieta-Castillo, G & Zubieta-Calleja, G. Progressive high altitude hypoventilation reversed by hyperoxia. Amer. Rev of Respir Dis. 141:4; pg a924, 1990.
13. Zubieta-Castillo, G & Zubieta-Calleja, G. Acute Hypoventilaiton on ascent to high altitude. European Respiratory Society Congress in Vienna, Austria, 1992.
14. Zubieta-Castillo, G., Zubieta-Calleja, G & Zubieta-Calleja, L. Cambios en la PaO2, PaCO2 y el hematocrito en un paciente con mal de montaña cronico durante 12 años. Acta del Quinto Congreso Nacional de Medicina de la Altura. La Oroya, Peru. Pg. 136, 1992.
15. Zubieta-Castillo, G & Zubieta-Calleja, G. El Sindrome de Triple Hipoxia en la Altura. Acta del Quinto Congreso Nacional de Medicina de la Altura. La Oroya, Peru. Pg. 137, 1992.
16. Zubieta-Castillo, G & Zubieta-Calleja, G., Eritrocitosis agudas, EPOC y sindrome de triple hipoxia. Acta del Quinto Congreso Nacional de Medicina de la Altura. La Oroya, Peru. Pg. 135, 1992.
17. Zubieta-Calleja, G.R. Zubieta-Castillo, G and Zubieta-Calleja, L. Inadequate treatment of excessive erythrocytosis. Acta Andina 4:123-126. 1995.
18. Zubieta-Castillo, G. Zubieta-Calleja, G. Proceedings of the Third Symposium on High Altitude Medicine and Physiology. Xining, Gingai, PR China.pg. 39. 1995
19. Zubieta-Castillo, G. Zubieta-Calleja, G. Proceedings of the Third Symposium on High Altitude Medicine and Physiology. Xining, Gingai, PR China.pg. 40. 1995
20. Zubieta-Castillo, G. and Zubieta-Calleja, G. New concepts on chronic mountain sickness. Acta Andina. 5:3-8, 1996.
21. Zubieta-Castillo, G. and Zubieta-Calleja, G. Triple hypoxia syndrome. Acta Andina. 5:15-18, 1996.
22. Triplett, J.C., Zubieta-Calleja, L., Zubieta-Castillo, G. and Zubieta-Calleja, G.R. Physiological Changes related to rapid altitude shifts in La Paz, Bolivia. Acta Andian 5: 19-22. 1996.
23. Zubieta-Calleja, G.R., Zubieta-Castillo, G and Zubieta-Calleja, L. Can HAPE be diagnosed through the tongue?. Acta Andina 5:31-34. 1996.
24. Zubieta-Castillo, G. Zubieta-Calleja, G.Arano, E. and Zubieta-Calleja, L. Respiratory Disease, chronic mountain sickness and gender differences at high altitude. Progress in Mountain Medicine and High Altitude Physiology. Eds: HidekiOhno, Toshio Kobayashi, Shigeru Masuyama and Michiro, Nakashima. Matsumoto, Japan. pg.132-137 May 20-24, 1998.
25. Zubieta-Calleja, G., De Urioste, L. & Zubieta-Calleja, L. High altitude residents in Bolivia. Progress in Mountain Medicine and High Altitude Physiology. Eds: HidekiOhno, Toshio Kobayashi, Shigeru Masuyama and Michiro, Nakashima. Matsumoto, Japan.pg. 185-189. May 20-24, 1998.
26. Zubieta-Calleja, G. & Zubieta-Castillo G. Changes in oximetry during breath holding in normal residents of high altitude. Progress in Mountain Medicine and High Altitude Physiology. Eds: HidekiOhno, Toshio Kobayashi, Shigeru Masuyama and Michiro, Nakashima. Matsumoto, Japan.pg. 343-348. May 20-24, 1998.
27. Zubieta-Castillo, G. & Zubieta-Calleja G. Pulse oximetry in chronic mountain sickness- long breath holding time and oscillation at lowest saturation. Progress in Mountain Medicine and High Altitude Physiology. Eds: HidekiOhno, Toshio Kobayashi, Shigeru Masuyama and Michiro, Nakashima. Matsumoto, Japan.pg. 349-354. May 20-24, 1998.
28. Zubieta-Castillo, G. , Zubieta-Calleja, G.R., Zubieta-Calleja, L. Exercise performance in a woman with CMS following triple hypoxia syndrome treament.HAMB,Volume: 3, Number: 1 pg. 114-115 March 2002.
29. Zubieta-Calleja, GR., Zubieta-Castillo, G., Zubieta-Calleja, L., Zubieta, N. Exercise performance of bolivian aymara in 3 conditions: at la paz 3510 m, breathing a hypoxic mixture simulating chacaltaya and at chacaltaya 5200 m.HAMB,Volume: 3, Number: 1 pg. 114-115 March 2002.
30. Zubieta-Castillo, G., Zubieta-Calleja, G.R., Zubieta-Calleja, L., Zubieta, N. Bolivian aymara that played soccer at 6542 m. Maintain higher oxygen saturation and lower oxygen uptake during maximal exercise.HAMB,Volume: 3, Number: 1 pg. 114-115 March 2002.
31. Zubieta-Calleja, G.R., Zubieta-Castillo, G., Zubieta-Calleja, L., Zubieta, N. Exercise performance in chronic mountain sickness (cms) patients at 3510 m.HAMB,Volume: 3, Number: 1 pg. 114-115 March 2002.
32. Zubieta-Castillo, G., Zubieta-Calleja, G.R., Zubieta-Calleja, L., Zubieta, N. Breath holding and pulse oximetry as a diagnostic tool at high altitude.HAMB,Volume: 3, Number: 1 pg. 114-115 March 2002.
33. Zubieta-Calleja, GR., Zubieta-Castillo, G., Zubieta-Calleja, L., Zubieta, N. Measurement of circulatory time using pulse oximetry during breath holding in chronic hypoxia.HAMB,Volume: 3, Number: 1 pg. 114-115 March 2002.
34. Zubieta-Castillo G, Zubieta-Calleja GR, Zubieta-Calleja L, Zubieta-Calleja, N. Adaptation to life at the altitude of the summit of Everest. Fiziol Zh. 49(3):110-7.2003.
35. Zubieta-Calleja (Jr) G.R., Moretti, M., Zubieta-Calleja, L., Zubieta, N., Zubieta-Castillo (Sr) G. Chronic mountain sickness among the Chipaya after 2500 years of high altitude Exposure.HAMB, Volume 5: Number: 2 pg. 291-292. May 2004.
36. Zubieta-Calleja (Jr) G.R., Zubieta-Castillo (Sr) G., Zubieta-Calleja, L., Zubieta, N. Hypoventilation in cms: a mechanism to preserve energy. HAMB, Volume 5: Number: 2 pg. 291-292. May 2004.
37. Zubieta-Castillo (Sr) G., Zubieta-Calleja (Jr) G.R., Zubieta-Calleja, L., Zubieta, N. How chronic mountain sickness (cms) contributed to the theory of life at the hypoxic levels of the summit of mount Everest.HAMB, Volume 5: Number: 2 pg. 291-292. May 2004.
38. Zubieta-Castillo (Sr) G., Zubieta-Calleja (Jr) G.R., Zubieta-Calleja, L. Chronic Mountain Sickness: The Reaction to physical disorders. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 57, Supp 4, 431442, 2006.
39. Paulev PE, Zubieta-Calleja GR.Essentials in the diagnosis of acid-base disorders and their high altitude application. J Physiol Pharmacol. Sep;56 Suppl 4:155-70. 2005.
40. Zubieta-Calleja GR, Zubieta-Castillo G, Paulev PE, Zubieta-Calleja L. Non-invasive measurement of circulation time using pulse oximetry during breath holding in chronic hypoxia. J Physiol Pharmacol. Sep;56 Suppl 4:251-6, 2005.
41. Zubieta-Calleja GR, Paulev PE, Zubieta-Calleja L, Zubieta-Calleja N, Zubieta-Castillo G. Hypoventilation in chronic mountain sickness: a mechanism to preserve energy. J Physiol Pharmacol. Sep;57 Suppl 4:425-30, 2006.
42. Zubieta-Castillo G Sr, Zubieta-Calleja GR Jr, Zubieta-Calleja L. Chronic mountain sickness: the reaction of physical disorders to chronic hypoxia. J Physiol Pharmacol. Sep;57 Suppl 4:431-42, 2006.
43. Thorsen HC, Zubieta-Calleja G, Paulev PE. Decompression sickness following seawater hunting using underwater scooters. Res Sports Med. Jul-Sep;15(3):225-39, 2007.
44. Paulev PE, Zubieta-Calleja G. High altitude diving depths. Res Sports Med. Jul-Sep;15(3):213-23, 2007.
45. Zubieta-Calleja GR, Paulev PE, Zubieta-Calleja L, Zubieta-Castillo G. Altitude adaptation through hematocrit changes. J Physiol Pharmacol. Nov;58 Suppl 5(Pt 2):811-8, 2007.
46. Kofoed PK, Sander B, Zubieta-Calleja G, Kessel L, Larsen M. Retinal vessel diameters in relation to hematocrit variation during acclimatization of highlanders to sea level altitude. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. Aug;50(8):3960-3, 2009
47. Kessel L, Kofoed PK, Zubieta-Calleja G, Larsen M. Lens autofluorescence is not increased at high altitude. Acta Ophthalmol. Mar 20, 2009.
48. Kofoed PK, Sander B, Zubieta-Calleja G, Kessel L, Klemp K, Larsen M. The effect of high- to low-altitude adaptation on the multifocal electroretinogram. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. Aug;50(8):3964-9, 2009.
49. Zubieta-Calleja, G. Human Adaptation to High Altitude and Sea Level; Acid-Base Equilibrium, Ventilation and Circulation in Chronic Hypoxia. VDM publishers. 2010.