medical check-up
Logo IPPA since 1970
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Medical tests to be perfomed

Pre-test procedures


High Altitude Adaptation Chamber

En Español


The most fundamental asset in your life is your own body. No artificial procedure or technology can replace at a 100 % efficiency what nature has so generously granted: your health. Loose it and you loose everything !!! your loved ones, all your material resources and your peace of mind.

A medical check-up by our responsible and experienced medical team will give you great opportunities for the forthcoming future. We perform non-invasive complete check-ups in order to determine what is malfunctioning in your organism. The solution to your health problems can thus be integrally focused.

High Altitude Pathology Institute
IPPA Clinic
Av. Saavedra 2302,
La Paz, Bolivia
Tel: +(591-2) 224-5394

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